I can't speak for other species, in every sense of the word, but for those like me I can throw out a projected possibility or two. First and foremost, the way our society has developed into it's current state was based on reliability of those around us and the structures holding us together. We get food from the grocery, which was brought by the trucker which was picked by the farmer and other such constructs. We are also a curious bunch, wanting to know the why of things, if for no other reason to know what to avoid or embrace. To do so we have developed a way of categorizing and scrutinizing everything. This includes others about, that we may or may not discover to be in a similar situation to reflect on. A relationship in this manner can be described as simply as sharing a space and some time with another. They may not be essential to survival on the individual level, however they seem to make this process go smoother. I decided a long time ago to build in constructs of loyalty and reverence of principles to preserve spots in space and time with the relationships I liked. Perhaps however, I assume too much.
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