Well, my first hurricane just so happens to be the biggest natural disaster to hit the United States (so i'm told). Winds where I was reached 105 mph with 175 mph gusts. Cars were being blow into one another while they were in the parking lot. Windows shattering because of the massive pressure changes. Our mall had like 12 feet of water in it! And as most of you know it blew New Orleans away (well..sunk it)! Out of 1500 students...only 400 of us volunteered to stay behind and clean up the wreckage. I think I'm supposed to get like three awards for staying (medals and ribbons baby!)
But its cool...we spend eight hours a day...six to seven days a week cleaning the base of trees and leaves. It's crazy but we got finally got limited internet access and hot water! We lived off MRE's for like a week so i'm fat again (they are like 2500 calories per meal!)
Oh and one more thing...I got to meet Donald H. Rumsfeld the Secretary of Defense and there is a picture online with me in it!
http://www.keesler.af.mil/kitrina_stills/050904gallery/050904.htm you have to scroll to the 11th if you count from the end and i'm the Airman on the left with the goofy grin on my face!