Yggdrasil District [9/17]

Oct 19, 2011 21:45

Title: Yggdrasil District
Pairing: Thor/Loki
Rating for this chapter: PG
Raiting for the overall fic: R
Genre: Romance
Disclaimer: I don’t own them.
Summary: Fill for norsekink prompt. Thor is the popular jock, Loki is the snarky outcast, Asgard is the cliche high school setting where we lay our scene.
Warnings!: Swearing, Graphic Sexual Content and Mpreg.

-- -- --

AN: Fuuuuuuuck, sorry it's so late and so short.

“What can I get for you, sir?”

The cool, polite tone was far more grating than yelling and screaming would be. Loki supposed not having his coffee ready was a just form of revenge. “The usual,” he muttered, slipping a five over the counter.

Darcy snatched his money up and held it up to the light as if checking for forgery.

Loki sighed, “how long is this bit of fun going to last?” There was no one behind him so she could drag this out for as long as she wanted.

She slowly counted out his change, pausing intermittently to eye him coldly.

“Darcy, be a-” what was the word she used? “-bro.”

“That's not fair!” She slammed his change on the counter. “Besides, you're the one who needs to make a trip to the Bro-cean to visit Bro-seidon so he can give you lessons on Bro-manship.”

“...Did you make that up off the top of your head?” Loki asked, gathering his change without looking away from her.

“No.” Darcy started working on his coffee, “so what the Hell happened last night? You totally ditched me and Jane and then we couldn't get a hold of you. I called you, like, ten times.”

“I lost my phone,” Loki leaned his hip against the counter and crossed his arms, “and I was accosted,” he sniffed.

“I bet,” snapped Darcy, then she froze. “Wait...Accosted in a good way or a bad way?”

He smirked, “there's never a good way to be accosted, Darcy.” He winced when she squealed loudly.

“Oh- my- GOD!” Her voice broke on the last word. “Tell me everything, or the coffee gets it.”

“I'd prefer not to discuss it in public.”

He took a step back when she beamed over her shoulder, “you don't mean...it was---you...You're killing me, Loki!” She took her hands of the cup and jumped up and down. “Tell me there's pics!”

“I recall saying that I lost my phone.”

Darcy cackled, “I bet you did.”

“So you're not mad anymore?” He had enough on his mind (mostly good things) and Darcy being upset with him was a matter he'd prefer to resolve quickly.

“Depends on how much my tip today is.”

Loki sighed painfully but stuck a second five in her tip jar.

He sat down after he got his drink. He still felt a little tender from the previous night, but it wasn't quite as bad as he'd expected. Loki sipped his coffee, staring out the window thoughtfully. Last night, Thor had all but dragged him to the parking lot where they made out heatedly between looking for Thor's car. Then Thor drove him home where they made out heatedly in the front seat. Certainly Loki wasn't so naïve as to think one night of Thor Odinson being drunk and horny would change their relationship, but still, he couldn't help but feel as though maybe things were going his way for once. And surely a taste of Thor would be enough to sustain him.

Darcy sat across from him with a raised eyebrow, “you look like you're lying to yourself.”

- - -

Monday morning found Loki thoroughly scolded by Laufey for losing his phone, grounded for the foreseeable future and so damn jolly he was nearly skipping into school. Sure his father hadn't even paused in his bitching to take a breath, sure he was probably never going to get another chance with Thor, and sure more people were staring at him than usual today; for once, Loki felt lucky.

His lips twitched but he suppressed the smile. He wasn't expecting anything, well, he wasn't going to let himself expect anything. Maybe he was expecting a little something...

He barely had time to register Balder's wide eyed look of panic when they passed each other before he spotted his locker, covered in papers all with the same picture. Even with the poor lighting Loki's green eyes were glinting in the photo, his hair was disheveled and his mouth was stuffed full of Thor's-

Loki tore one of the papers off his locker and stared at it blankly. As his tunnel vision slowly widened back after a few seconds to include the rest of the world again he came aware of snickering all around him.

“He's so pathetic.”

“I bet he was a whore back at Jotunheim too.”

“I can't believe he had a picture of Thor on his phone.”

Ah, of course. No one knew it was a picture of Loki blowing Thor. All they saw Loki sucking on a dick. Lovely.

Well, at least he knew what happened to his phone. And here he'd always thought Thor was a bit of an idiot.

Loki licked his lips and dropped the paper. He considered tearing the rest of them off his locker but it hardly mattered. Everyone already saw.

He silently but quickly walked back to the exit. He wasn't staying for this. Laufey or the school or whoever could do what they wanted. He passed Balder again and saw that he was standing with Sif and a curiously pale Thor. Loki sneered focused his eyes forward. He wouldn't give them the satisfaction. He would have expected Thor to look more self satisfied. Loki prided himself on being smarter than everyone else at Asgard but some dumb jocks managed to pull one over on him.

(Norns Gossip)

The wealthy enjoy a very hedonistic lifestyle and as such sexual exploits of nearly any nature are hardly given a second glance. Loki, who is dressed up trash, simply had no business with a picture of, and apparent crush on, someone as important and popular as Thor.

Part 10

yggdrasil district, pairing: thor/loki, fanfiction

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