Wanna feel better?

Feb 03, 2009 02:40

Oh how I like her videos! ! ! !

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So. ... the fist month of the "new" year has past.
And here are the results... oh no.. sry... wrong text ...
Just wanna let you know which books I have read in January 2009:

Jonathan Safran Foer - Extremly loud and incredibly close (german)
Well, great! Yes, there a some strange passages but  nevertheless it is a great book. Can be recommended.

Paolo Mastrocola - Che animale sei? (Ich dachte ich wär` ein Panther) (german)
It´s a very sweet philosophic book about the way we are and what we want to be or ment to be. Don´t know if it´s available in English. I hope so! (No, it isn´t, sorry)

Adalbert Stifter - Brigitta (german)
Just read it because my former German-teacher gave us a short ecxerpt and I liked it....(the excerpt!). Well... it could be a good book. But the first three-fourths sites have nothing to do with the proper story. So... don´t need to be read!

Patrick Süßkind - Die Taube (german)
Was okay.... nothing more to say.

Fjodor Dostojewski - Idiot (Der Idiot) (german)
I struggled with this book for a very long time (I think 2 months...). It is great. Really. But sometimes it drew like a chewing-gum.(do you know what I wanna tell you? XD) But if you are interested in the Russian literature you should read.

I know: Not much.
But there was no time.

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