(no subject)

Jan 04, 2011 18:12

i wouldn't go so far as to call it a new year's resolution, but i definitely think i need to get back to reading.  i have an embarrassingly sizable pile of books i have purchased but have yet to actually start/finish reading.  argh argh argh.

suggestions would be much appreciated.

in no particular order:

+ a sense of urgency - john p. kotter
+ 100 years of solitude - gabriel garcia marquez
+ the black swan - nassim nicholas taleb
+ a wild sheep chase - haruki murakami
+ consider the lobster and other essays - david foster wallace
+ the entire chronicles of narnia series (again) - c. s. lewis
+ harry potter and the sorcerer's stone - j. k. rowling
+ 7 habits of highly effective people - steven covey
+ swat: seize the accomplishment - timothy l. johnson

and as for books i do not currently possess:
+ squirrel seeks chipmunk: a modern bestiary - david sedaris
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