Aug 10, 2012 11:27
So one of my "friend's" mom had a 'lover's spat' with her husband last night. I heard her talking on the back porch two streets away. Then my dad decided he and I were going to make dinner (read: I did most everything besides dishing out the plates. Fail.) So I went back to my room to chill for a few minutes before I ate, right? I come out and my plate is made up and everything.
No. That's just not what my parent's do to me.
I make my own plate of food since it was Spaghetti (No meatballs ;_;). My friend's mom, Sam, made my plate up all nice and pretty, mixed in my sauce, put bread on the side. All that jazz. There are a couple problems with what she did.
1. I can make my own plate, thank you very much!!
2. She didn't give me enough spaghetti noodles. I almost went back for seconds.
3. She mixed in the sauce!!! It may not seem like a big deal, and it isn't, but I put cheese on my spaghetti and when that happened, the below became my problem.
4. The cheese I put on, was in clumps and didn't mix in very well. EW!!!!!!
That was last night. I went to sleep around 2 AM after some Trolling around on a few LJ Communities and cuddling with my kitten. My mom didn't get any sleep, Sam was sleeping in my parent's bed with my mom (my mom actually wore pajamas o.O I found out that my mom hates wearing clothes... The mental images have permanently scarred my brain, I will never go in my parents bedroom again...) My dad was sleeping on the couch and he was up around 5 or so in the morning, he's a Marine and all that jazz... He had work today, I feel bad for the people that he gets POed at.
So I'm blissfully dreaming about Lord knows what, and my mom starts talking at EIGHT IN THE MORNING... Now, I love my mom, really I do, but she has a freaking loud voice. So I wake up of course, go outside my room and shoot them dirty looks (not perverted dirty looks, glare/scowl dirty looks) and my mom goes and says "Oh did I wake you up?"
"Yeah." I say, rubbing my face. Still shooting the both of them dirty looks from my position in the hallway entrance to our onestory house to their position in the kitchen about ten feet away.
"Well to bad. Suck it up." My mom snarks at me, smirking. So I glare at her and mumble some things I really shouldn't. Now, Sam is in the kitchen and one thing about her that I hate is that she practically lives off coffee. She has, like, four cups of coffee before noon, and afterwords she drinks even more coffee. I don't usually mind, she doesn't steel our coffee. So Sam looks at me over her shoulder and grins at me as she makes a cup of coffee.
"___, come get some coffee!!" She tells me, and because I have decided that I hate her and simply being near her and her loud voice, I glare at her, "What?" She is suprised, I don't see why, I am NOT a morning person.
"No." I actually did want coffee, but there was no way I was stepping onto the fake wood floors of my house and going near her. So I go back into my room for like an hour or whatever. I come out of my room and it's half past nine. Sam and my mom are gossiping outback, I think Hey, now I can get coffee!! I get out my tinker bell mug and try to pour some coffee into it. There's not even a quarter of an inch of coffee left for me. And the coffee pot holds enough for TWELVE PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WTF!?!?!?!?
I'm going into Coffee Withdrawl, I feel like a Zombie, except Cannibalism still doesn't sit right with me (which is strange to my family seeing as I don't mind the taste of blood, so what's the diffrence with flesh?)... Ugh, I feel crappy and I don't have any money to go buy coffee from the seven day store down the street or feel like making another pot of coffee just for me... FML.