Update Monday to Today...

Feb 01, 2006 09:43

I'm worried..I need to catch up in school...this weekend will definitely be filled with doing homework..I'm not waiting to the last minute...I didn't go to Psychology, nor History..I hope I didn't miss anything in Psych...History I'm not so worried about..Math still need to do my homework and study for a quiz..AND, GET ALL THE NOTES I MISSED. I'm not too far behind..I can catch up...It's just my nature to worry..

Moving on...

Heather and I are trying are best to get our own place....what holds us back is the car situation...we really need a car, but I need a co-signer..so it really puts us in a boggle...We need a few things, and we could get them if I prove my damn residency and get the money that is rightfully mine because I live and have lived in the state of Indiana for two years in April now. And, Heather and I don't need the stress anymore...of Jenn, of the apartment....of anything...I feel if we don't get out now, our relationship won't be moving anywhere...

And, I know you're all wondering, that is if you read Heather's livejournal...Yes, I broke up with her and I feel really bad about it, I mean we got back together..6.I just want her to know, even if we ever did break up, I would not abandon her...I don't see myself ever being away from her. And, I'm sorry I've put you through more than what you're already going through...I'm just scared, but we can get through these hard times, I believe we can.

Monday was a nice break...I called in..Heather didn't seem to mind...We ended up going to that movie after all...Imagine Me & You...it was actually really good, but I still think there was a need to show them coming together and falling in love..I didn't think it was enough. I do suggest going and seeing it, if you're not a homophobe that is. Heather and I drove to the theatre which was crazy as all hell, and then we met Dave, Tina, and Gail, and Jessica there...I already had met Dave and Tina previously....I had a good time, I think everybody else did...Though we really didn't hang out with Tina and Gail too much...Tina seemed so reserved...and I'm not sure of my opinion of Gail...I mean it's not bad or anything....just kind of neutral...Heather seemed to like Jessica, though they were so hyper...And, Dave and I just watched them on the streets of Boystown..lol...It was a night to remember...Beat being at school with my textbook open...which I'm sure has cobwebs all over it by now...

And, now, I'm at work...wishing I was at home...spending time with Heather..I love you..and I miss you...And, and, and last night was wonderful...when I actually take my time, I realize a lot of pleasures, that I've missed out on...But we'll talk about that later, baby....Think of me.
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