Jan 18, 2017 11:20
Yesterday and the day before I unexpectedly had off. Of course with the first day, my body decides to punish me by giving me a massive headache for first part of the day. No good deed and all that. But that faded finally and I was able to get laundry and cleaning done. General work stuff that needs to happen fairly regularly don't you know. Stuff that I have a difficult time getting done generally, because I have a severe lack of time, and a boyfriend that loves using all the pots and knives to make water. >.> This of course lead to our discussion of my needed to take a little step back and start actually scheduling time off. It's a much needed thing and I did it, with only a couple of folks being concerned. Honestly, I make the post on FB and I get pmed " OH NO!!! YOU"RE QUITTING?!?!!?" Ok first off....was there even a "q" in that post? and secondly I told you I'd be doing this like 5 months ago AND that you're not going to be impacted by it. *sigh* But, I understand it. I fill a need it seems for folks and one thing I know is people do not like to have their needs interupted. This makes sense so I'm not too fussed about it. A little hand holding and hugs and all is calm now :) The other part of my needing to enforce time off is the house. It's an older home, 1955 or so, and it needs work in some areas. Plus it's on 1.3 acres, and THAT is going to need work. Grass doesn't care if you're tired, that shit still grows. Plants, the ultimate in no fucks given. Of course the goal here is to eventually eliminate the grass almost entirely and have plants that are food based, a small food forest is my goal here, tho I know that will take time. It's amusing, I tell folks this and I get " That's going to take a long time you know...." Well...........yes. I know. Plants grow fast, but not that fast....Which is why I want to start *now* but, baby steps. Plus, if I want to get this to a self sustaining level for when I can't do the heavy lifting and such, I need to get it cracking now while I can. I did a check yesterday on the few guys I put in containers on the deck last year. Catnip is coming back and I expect the thai basil will too. The malibar spinach will as well, just not yet. The sage and some of the thyme overwintered well ( and I did like NO covering or maintenance of this, these planters were strictly an experiment) and my grape and goji berry plants will be needed to be transplanted soon here too, they are not going to be happy in a bucket this season. The mint and rosemary are going fine, because see earlier, no fucks. Trying to find a good place for the grapes is going to be problematic, not because of a lack of space, but John has a dislike of things interupting the grass mowing. His theory is that, if he MUST mow grass, it needs to be with as little interuptions and swerving as possible. He might spill his beer. :P I am considering in the front of the house, along our drive. There's like....a drop there, that has railroad ties along it that I think would be pretty with some sort of trellis set up, and it faces southish. Plus it would help stabelize the ground there. Not that we're having issues with that yet, or hopefully ever, but still. It would visually cut off that bit of the drive but, * shrug* it's a driveway. There's not much to see really. And, since I generally mow the front of the house with the push mower, it wouldn't bother me. Of course I also have to remember that I'd be the main one tending the plants, as John is very uninterested in that sort of thing for now. He likes walking out back and eating the figs and blueberries off the bushes ( who doesn't really) but that and mowing is about the extent of the yard/plant care he's willing to do. And that's fine because he does *plenty* of other stuff around here, like construction and car repair and things of that sort that I could do, but really I have noooooo desire to. WOO compromise!!!!! Ok, now to get to work, get done, get home, and keep working on the new room that was put in the basement by John for me. Maybe I'll write more about that this next post. I'm just trying to get back into the habit of journaling here so, pretty scatty but eh, you'll live. Or not. I dunno.