May 21, 2007 11:25
Wherein Bee says:
For aggrivation.
*sigh* This weekend SO did not turn out like I wanted. And really I need to grateful that it was something not so major in my life. I suppose all in all it could have been much worse, given the situation, but still. For starters, my truck's breaks went out-Ish. No, I'm fine, no one was hurt or anything. The break booster went, so while I *could* stop the truck, I had to STAND on the breaks and I needed to start doing that about 100 feet earlier than I wanted to. And then of course that caused the engine to stall, something about the vaccum not being held and too much air or something in the engine. Ugh. Of course this leads to my noticing that really, when power steering was invented I think someone was asleep in the lab that day because hey, when the engine cuts off, the *power* steering doesn't work, and lo' you can not really steer the vehicle. Which ok, great if you are just trying to push the truck off the road, but not so great when you are traveling like 60 and hit the breaks to slow down and no joy there, and then you can't even turn the wheel to avoid smacking into a car/person/alien infront of you.
Thank! God! Dadbee taught me how to drive in situations like this when I was a larva, because damn. Of course this in and of itself put a major cramp on my weekend. I had clients I needed to take care of ( lord that sounds a bit dodgy heh) pet sitting and such, so it led to a mad scramble to find people that were willing to cart my tail around to the houses to make sure the pets were taken care of. The cleaning jobs got put on hold, which thank goodness I have the best clients in teh world because they all said, no problem take your time. But I still have to get them taken care of this week, so this will be a bzzzy week for Bee. So because of the truck croaking, my plans on working on my storage unit didn't happen, the work I wanted to do didn't happen, the fighter practice of DOOOOOOM that I wanted to goto didn't happen. Meh.
Of course I start whinging about how this is just a big pain and my life stinks andandand, and my dear friend calls me and says our plans have to change and we can't go out because he just got a call, and his friend of 25 years was in the hospital. Apparently this guy had a son that was running around with a bad crowd, and he/the mother told the kid to stop it and said that he couldn't do that any more. Jr. apparently left the room, came back and in front of his mother, little sister and little brother, shot his father in the back of the head with a .22. The kid is 14.
The Universe has an amazing way of reminding you REALLY DAMN FAST that your life is SO not that bad and you best be grateful for what you have, you know?
So yeah. And really what can you say to that? Aside from what the hell is WRONG with kids/people these days where this is an acceptable solution?!!?!?!? I told E that I hope to god they lock this kid up as an adult and never let him out. He still doesn't know if his friend will live and he can't get any clear information on his condition. Makes me sick......and reminds me that my life isn't that bad. I just wish I could take his pain from him tho, or lessen it somehow, but only time will do that, I know that. Still doens't make it easier tho.
Considering that, my *very small problem* will all work out. it's a truck, and they can be fixed, and I refuse to have it do otherwise. So things will get better. A teeny bright note, on Friday I get to hug bebe goats again, so life can't be THAT bad can it? Of course there are the issues with that, namely they keep trying to eat my bandana off my head, they *butt* you whether you are standing or sitting, and really, I'm glad they accept me, but do they all have to gather in a circle and group poop around me? I mean honestly.
Life keeps going....