What about Harry?

Nov 13, 2007 21:03

I just finished chapter 3, "The Dursleys Departed" in HP7. I admit to getting teary when Dudley asked where Harry's going to go. He just seemed confused, "He's not coming with us?"

I still don't care too much for his mother, even with her near-breakdown at chapter's close. I think Fiona Shaw did too good a job evincing spite for Lily becoming a witch in the first movie's cabin scene. There's always been some kind of removal to me, with Rowling's writing, and I'm still not sure the movie captured the relationship quite as written. I knew the gleeful maliciousness was there, but to see it with no hint of tongue-in-cheek narration? Threw me.

I suspect reading this book will much resemble my viewing of Sex and the City's finale: laughing and crying and being very grateful no one else is around to see me reacting. I remember an ex of mine said I was one of the funniest people to watch reading; I'll laugh or mouth words at the book and literally jump or have to cover my eyes and read through my fingers. I know other people do it, I don't think I'm special, but I do try to curb it sometimes when I'm around others. Guess I was just comfortable enough in front of her to completely dive in the book.

And this book deserves every gut reaction I want to provide. Only Trin's here to see it, and believe me, she's seen worse.


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