So long, fare thee well, pip pip, cheerio, we'll be back soon!

Dec 23, 2005 13:57

Clearly, everyone is refreshing their friends' page today, so maybe someone will see this and can answer.

Has anyone seen Oliver! the musical? I saw it when I was young and liked it well enough, I suppose. At the end of a Pretender ep this parent was reading the book to his comatose kid and I got the urge to read Oliver Twist. Which I did, this past weekend.

Spoilers below, which I'm not cutting because the movie is over 30 years old, and the book was serialized in 1838. If you haven't read or seen it, I doubt you will, and couldn't care less if it was spoiled.

Couple questions, though, and this is because I haven't seen the movie in so long. Did Fagin die at the end? I vaguely recollect a reprise of "You've got to pick a pocket or two" between himself and the Dodger as they walked off down an alley. And I think that was the end. Also, was there an older half-brother of Oliver who was paying Fagin to corrupt Oliver so he wouldn't get his inheritance? I have no recollection of Manor, not that it means anything. I wonder if he was totally taken out of the movie.

I remember liking the Nancy character in the movie and being really upset when Sykes killed her. I don't remember if this was at all clear, but Sykes was obliged to kill her when she went to Rose and Mrs. Fairfax (or whatever her name was). Fagin pushed him into it. I actually understood why she was murdered and wonder if he was really villainized in the movie or not. I doubt I'll watch it again, I'm just curious.

books to movies, oliver twist, movies, oliver, books

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