Week in Review - 2011.06.25

Jun 24, 2011 20:30

This has been another up and down week. It started out well, but it’s been emotionally rough for a variety of reasons. On the chemical side, I went to a nurse practitioner and started on Lamictal to regulate my moods. We’re hoping that will be enough and I could avoid going on anti-depressants. In the meantime I’m working with a therapist to reduce stress in my relationships, which is definitely a major situational factor. In the positive side I got to celebrate two anniversaries and see a friend from Chicago, so things were up as well.

Sunday was very pleasant. StephanieBCl and I slept in, had a nice lunch, and then drove down to Bloomington to see My Fair Lady. The musical was wonderful - we’d both seen the movie, but not the play on stage. We then went home and watched Auntie Mame, which was also very entertaining. It was a lovely end to a very nice anniversary-observed weekend with StephanieBCl. It’s been a very nice two years since our initial epic courtship, and I’m happy things are getting better between us.

Monday I slept in with StephanieBCl before work, and after work my friend Behu visited me from Chicago. This is the first time Behu has visited me or spent the night, so I was a little nervous before she arrived, but she and I both had a lovely time. Behu had dinner with Hotarugirl before she came over, and I never got around to eating, but I didn’t mind. I enjoyed tea and Behu’s company, and we’re both looking forward to when we can hang out again, whenever that will be. She joked she might need to get a new fuel-efficient car.

Icespark had giving up our Monday date night so I could hang out with Behu, and so she and I hung out on Tuesday instead. We went out to dinner at P.F. Chang’s, and then back to my apartment to catch up and snuggle. We talked about our relationship and resolved a few issues, and then I subjected her to a horrible episode of the original Transformers cartoon, making the engineer in her twitch. She and I don’t get to hang out at my place very often because she works so early in the morning, so it was good to have her there for an agreeable change.

Icespark had Wednesday off for a doctor’s appointment, so we got to sleep in after all. After work I met Pandara for dinner, and then we went shopping for a case for her new iPhone. She was very excited about it, so I teased that I knew I had only until the cell phone charged to enjoy her concentration. She needed to pack for her weekend, but she did make sure to give me some love and attention before bed. Unfortunately we both had to get up early so we couldn’t stay up late, but I still appreciated my evening with her company.

Yesterday I got up early to see a nurse practitioner about my depression. She started me on Lamictal to stabilize my mood. Next I went to my GP for an STI screening, and then snuggled Icespark until it was time to give Amfr a ride to a job interview. That night I celebrated my one-year anniversary with Trmo. Even though we were both pretty tired, we had a lovely night. Trmo got dressed up and we went out for sushi before returning to my apartment to spend the evening together. We’ve had a bit of a bumpy year together, but I am very happy she’s still around.

Today work was horrible, and even though I started my medication of course I don’t feel better already. Tonight I’m hanging out with StephanieBCl. We were going to go see The Wiz at the IMA, but the weather is lousy, so instead she’s bringing over her copy and we’re just going to watch it at my place.

Tomorrow I’m going to Our Haven to meet Lildomino. I have to work, so I won’t be able to leave until 8:30, which is a pain since Our Haven is hours away. However, this weekend is the only chance I have to see Lildomino this week or next, and Our Haven is the only place I can hang out with my kink/ pagan friends, so drive into the woods at night I will. With luck it will be worth the trip.

This entry was originally posted at http://bzero.dreamwidth.org/766804.html. Please comment there using OpenID.

cell, friend, first, love, doctor, relationship, stress, anniversary, cartoon, stephanie, pandara, icespark, transformers, bloomington, kink, hotarugirl, week in review, lildomino, our haven, pagan, weekend, chicago, depression, trmo

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