Week in Review - Week of 2010.04.25 - 05.01

May 06, 2010 16:34

Last week was productive, with a lot of running around and then
finally a tranquil weekend camping. We got Pandara a new car, which
will make like easier for her, and I got in some fun derby practice
and MUXing. I thought I’d have more time to myself, but locking my
keys in my car ruined my timetable Tuesday night, and the rest of the
week was just too busy. Still, it seems like a relaxing paradise
compared to the over-scheduling I have to contend with this week…

Last Sunday IceSpark and I enjoyed a massive sleep-in day, staying in
bed about 12 hours before the need for food finally drove us from the
house. After an extremely late breakfast, I went to see
StephanieBCl’s new house in Irvington. Her apartment is great and I
love her neighborhood. She and I had dinner at Jockamo Upper Crust Pizza, which
was insanely good, and I brought some back for IceSpark since she was
intrigued by the idea of pizza with Old Bay (she liked).

Last Monday I had a date night with LilDomino, so I picked her up
after work and we went out to dinner. She had a school project she
was working on, so I popped on the MUX “just for a bit” until
LilDomino was done with her presentation. Unfortunately, her
assignment took all night, so I got in a lot more MUX time than I’d
expected. I enjoyed cool scenes with Chdr, Desm, and Semcca, and got
to advance to SG-Joe infiltration of the Pit plotline, as well as set
up a future scene for Rodimus. Overall it was a productive night.

Last Tuesday’s practice was fun. I worked a later schedule, so I
missed the first half-hour of the practice, but I got to scrimmage at
the end, and even got lead jammer in the last jam (it helps when Buzz
Lightbeer is on my side helping instead of opposing me!). After
practice, however, I accidently locked my keys in my trunk while
getting flyers, and had to wait an hour before roadside assistance
could free me. I picked up Pandara from Eldari’s (where she’d gone
when I didn’t show up at her work), and by the time I got her back to
LilDomino’s I was exhausted and so the three of us soon just went to

Last Wednesday was the first practice run by Meek, one of our fast
skaters. He had good drills for increasing our leg strength to
improve our skating, and I was definitely sore the next day. After
work I picked up Pandara and we went to Adshru’s so Pandara could buy
Adshru’s old car. LilDomino joined us with a cashier’s check, and
after they dropped off the car at a mechanic’s to get it checked out,
the three of us went to Denny’s for a much delayed dinner. Exhausted,
we went back to LilDomino’s and passed out immediately.

Last Thursday after work I met up with IceSpark and hung out with her
while she had sexy
vampire time
. I fought distraction to catch up with some of the
Internets while she was watching TV. By the time we left her house,
it was too late to go to Chili’s, so we hit Stake N’ Shake instead.
We went shopping at Meijer for weekend camping, picking up way more
than we needed as it turned out. With luck we can use some of the
extra camping stuff at future events, and eat the extra food this
week. I wanted to do more when we got back to IceSpark’s, but it was
already very late and we were exhausted, so we wound up just going to

Friday I took off work so IceSpark and I could drive down to Lothlorien early and set up camp.
Since Beltane isn’t an official festival at Lothlorien, it was quiet
and serene, and after I showed IceSpark around we got to pick our
favorite spot for camping. When the tent was set up I headed back to
Indy to go to the symphony with StephanieBCl; the music was enjoyable,
made even more so by StephanieBCl’s ecstatic enjoyment of it. After
the performance I kissed StephanieBCl goodbye and headed back to the
woods to sleep.

It rained overnight, but our tent held and we stayed dry as we enjoyed
the thunderstorms. When we got up Saturday we headed into town for
Free Comic Book Day and to buy me new skate wheels from Rolling Thunder Fun
. After a lovely meal at the Irish Lion, we headed back and
spent the evening trying to build a fire with wet wood, eventually
succeeding. We heated some food for dinner, and then joined people at
the central fire, staying even after hard rain drove most people away.

My week was good, even with the hassle of locking my keys in my car
and having to run around every night running errands. Lothlorien was
very peaceful - there were so few people there that it didn’t have a
festival feel, but a quiet weekend in the woods was just what I needed
after a busy week. Salamander42 and Pandara were there if we wanted
company, or we could just hide in the tent to enjoy the thunderstorms.
Even standing in the rain around the dwindling fire was nice. It was
a tremendously pleasant end to the week.

"Be good and you will be lonesome."
-- Mark Twain

adshru, vampire, derby, week in review, lildomino, stephaniebcl, camping, mux, weekend, skating, pandara, icespark, indy, beltane, work

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