Week in Review - Week of September 27th - October 3rd

Oct 02, 2009 22:19

This week was better than the last, if only because I’m a little less
depressed. I’m still powerfully sleepy all the time, which seems to
be more of a chemical thing than a lack of rest, but today at least I
seem to be coming out of it. I have a quiet weekend planned, and then
next week I move to a day schedule for the rest of the month, which
should let me get out more since I won’t be at work until 10:15 PM.
Who knows what craziness might be in store beneath the seldom-seen day ball.

Sunday IceSpark and I slept late following her bout Saturday night.
When we did rouse ourselves we got a late brunch and then each of us
went down to Bloomington - IceSpark to derby practice and me to pick
up Lemur_lady. Lemur_lady and I had dinner at Sushi Bar and then I
drove her to the airport so she could head back to Minnesota. I met
up with LilDomino and Pandara at their house and MUXed while Pandara
did laundry and errands. After we tucked LilDomino into bed Pandara
and I watched the season premiere of Dollhouse before snuggling
up to sleep.

Monday morning I called and moved around some vacation days so I could
go see Lemur_lady for our anniversary. Work was insanely busy during
the afternoon, typical for a Monday, but quieted down in the evening.
After work I went to IceSpark’s, where she made us food. HotaruGirl
joined us on the MUX for the first time in ages, which made me happy -
I’m hoping it will become a regular occurrence. I role-played some
and stayed up way too late setting things up for the upcoming Shattered Glass
I plan to run there soon - with luck, starting next week.

Tuesday morning I was awakened to the sounds of construction, since
people were stripping out and rebuilding the interior of IceSpark’s
garage. After work I went to LilDomino’s where she had made us beet
soup. It sounded less-than-appetizing, but since it was basically
just vegetable soup with cooked (non-pickled) beets in it, after
Pandara got done spicing it the result was actually quite tasty. I
popped onto the MUX while LilDomino was busy on her laptop but then
logged off to join her when she went to bed.

Wednesday was LilDomino and HotaruGirl’s anniversary, so that morning
LilDomino called HotaruGirl to say Hello and wish her a happy day.
LilDomino and I then went to Paragon for breakfast. After work I
went back over to LilDomino and Pandara’s to hang out with Pandara.
After a trip to Denny’s for dinner we cuddled up and watched the last episode of season
four of Buffy
. She and I are both feeling a little better,
so it was good to be able to hang out without both of us being mopey.

Thursday morning Pandara had to leave earlier than I, so I had a
little time to pop onto the MUX and build some of the mirror
before heading in to the office. After work StephanieBCl
came over. We lay on my bed and caught up with each other’s lives
before snuggling up to watch Mad
. StephanieBCl fell asleep about five minutes after we
started the DVD, but since she’d seen them already I just let her
sleep while I watched first season episodes four and five.

This morning StephanieBCl had an early meeting, so she let me sleep in
while she took off. I got up and showered, and when StephanieBCl
returned she brought us breakfast in bed. We ate then cuddled back
up to watch her
favorite episode
of Mad
before I had to leave. Work was awful, being the first
Friday of the month, but I did manage to at least finish all of my
cuts before ten.

This weekend I’m spending with LilDomino and Pandara. We’d discussed
going to Metamora Canal Days with Tibere, but Tibere got into a car
accident and is in the hospital. Instead, we’ll probably just check
out the Fishers Ren Faire and otherwise just take things easy. Since
I’m an obsessive freak I’m hoping I’ll get a chance to pop onto the
MUX at some point and get some more work done, but if not I can always
get to it Monday after IceSpark and I go see Whip It. Have a
good weekend, all!

Alex the Lion: [shouts] “You maniac! You burned it up! Darn
you! Darn you all to heck!”
Melman the Giraffe: “Can we go to the fun side now?”
-- Madagascar

hotarugirl, week in review, lildomino, stephaniebcl, rp, mux, tibere, lemur_lady, pandara, icespark

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