In the last 24 hours:
- 00:28 Watching first season Star Trek episode "Enemy Within." Some real cheese, but also some thoughtful SF about the nature of man. Interesting #
- 01:10 My new pickup line: "Are you using any unusual perfume, or anything radioactive, my dear?" (Dr. McCoy, "Mudd's Women") #
- 12:20 - braaaains... #
- 14:54 - zombie filming was fun. wrapping up soon, and then I'm heading back to Indy. #
- 16:41 ugh! i hate how Indianapolis lets fucking race fans take over everything. #
- 16:53 I give up. I parked, and I'm walking the rest of the way, in full zombie makeup. Fucking race fans. My zombie rage face is real. #
- 21:15 just voted "Atheist! :D" on "Show Us Twitter's Religious Diversity." vote too ➔ #
(Automatically shipped at midnight by