1. Name: Brenna Louise Rondeau. Brenna was a black girl my grumma took care of for awhile (she was a guidance counselor at a high school in Mass) and Louise is said grumma's name. All together my name means "raven-haired famous woman warrior." My last name means round water or something. Whatevz.
2. Age: Purgatory (21 in less than 6 months!)
3. Location: Richmond. It's great. Especially my new apartment, new job, and same old friends. Oh and the weather's been fantastic these past few days.
4. Occupation: Student. Delia's (not much longer!). And Polisher/everyone's bitch (which is fine).
5. Partner: Single for over 3 years wassup!? Oh but um...I am married to Dan Bejar. Yup.
6. Kids: I don't like them. I like babies and adults. I wanna skip the in between.
7. Brothers/Sisters: Dan, Tom, and Matt. Love them. <3
8. Pets: Doctor Thomas "Balls" Wigglesworth. My hamster. And currently a pug named Addy who is my room mates. So happy to be rid of Combat and Oats!
9. List the 3-5 Biggest Things Going On in Your Life:
A) My new job at Jeweler's Services. It's awesome.
B) Going to see my brother Matt in New York in July.
C) I um...have a cool job and get to walk to it.
10. What did you go to school for? Going to school for...origami and googley eyes. No but seriously I'm studying furniture and jewelry/wood working and metal smithing.
11: Parents: Mike and Jo. Software Engineer who likes to brew beer, hunt deer, fish, build furniture, and make a terrible attempt at gardening. He's really good at all those other things though! And my mom used to volunteer at Forest Elementary teaching the mentally challenged and worked at Walden Books until it closed. Now she's begun quilting and cross stitching like a proper lady should. Although they've made their mistakes I wouldn't have wanted any other parents to raise me. I luhh dem.
12. Close Friends:
Adam Sigh: BFF (sometimes unfortunately). He's like my fourth brother. He's the only person I can be 100% myself around and has heard and smelled my farts. Ummm. He's a great guy so ladies get with this.
Remi: Unfortunately BFF also. Hah jkkkk lozllaoslz. She's my longest running friend who I still regularly hang out with (Stephanie you're my longest running friend of all time). She's a stupid slut but I guess I love her.
Erin: Luhh her. She used to make fun of me in 9th grade. Cool.
Niki: Impossible to see her but I love her.
Amy: Just recently really got to know her and she's awesome.
The gang: Stephen, Matt, Dustin, Nick, Meagan, Ashley, sometimes Andrew, Harris, Chuck, and Kuni.