Drabble Request Post

Jun 18, 2009 18:08

These past couple of days, I feel like my creativity's being sucked dry.  So instead of going through the usual self-depracating "woe is me" phase that I normally go through with Writer's Block, I thought I'd open myself to a new idea.

So!  Here's the basic rundown:

+   Comment here with a character or pairing, a prompt, and any other particulars (rating, related media, et al).  I'll comment back with a 100(+) drabble fill.

+  DBSK only, please. *  :x  Not that I don't like crossover pairings but l;a'sjflkj -- I really don't feel quite comfortable enough with other fandoms to fill such a request and I'll probably fail at this much, so.  :'((

*  That being said, don't be afraid to ask for things like threesomes or OT5 drabbles -- I'm extremely flexible when it comes to that sort of thing.  I promise I won't bite!  ♥

+  Providing this all goes well and I don't feel like a complete failure at filling everyone's request, I might make this a general fic request post as well.  As in, I'll take requests for full-length one-shots if anyone wants me to.  :'))  Perhaps.  But we shall see~

Other than that, I have little more to say except thank you in advance to anyone that comments here.  Really do appreciate the inspiration.  Share the love, everyone.  :D    

!request post

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