Little Sis (14 yrs old): "So...I just changed my wallpaper. |D"
Me: OmO!! You did?
LS: /nodsnodsnods
Me: ...Okay! --You wanna show me what it is?
Me: Hahahaha, okay~ ^^;; --So what is it?
LS: /leads me to her computer monitor
Heeeeeere it is!
(( ...AND
Me: ...........Awwwwwwwww, it's SHINee!! :DDD Young!SHINee, even~~
LS: Yeah, I like them even better when they were younger!! :D
And this - as you can probably imagine - is where I proceed to ROTFL for the next ten minutes.
( This is the same little sister of mine I've previously caught blasting "Replay" & "Ring Ding Dong" on occasion from her bedroom, the same little sister that says she likes Jonghyun & Onew -- since she doesn't quite understand my fascination with TaeKeyHo lol -- and who always said I was crazy for loving my Korean idols so much. AND NOW LOOK AT HER. ;;
...I've never been so happy in my entire life to call someone a hypocrite before. /dies )