30.2 - 13 perfect moments in your life and why.

Jan 03, 2010 23:53

01. Hitting that stupid target on the first try - because I'd been practicing
02. The first time Wyatt kissed me - because he kissed me
03. The first time I kissed Wyatt - because I had the nerve
04. Being told I was pregnant - because I didn't believe it
05. Realizing I was actually pregnant - because I couldn't believe it
06. Holding Jeb in my arms for the first time - because he was my boy
07. The first time Jeb fed himself - because Wyatt was covered in carrots
08. The first time I fought with Wyatt - because I realized that I loved him
09. The first time I made Wyatt blush - because he's so cute when he turns beet red!
10. The first -of many- times Wyatt and I shared a bed - because, well... shall I draw you a picture?
11. Watching Jeb become his father - in one second, Wyatt was alive and there
12. Seeing our home for the first time - because Wyatt had put so much work into it
13. Having to teach Wyatt how to use that shotgun - because there's actually a trick to it

about me, about jeb, i love my son, .the_lucky13, i love my husband, about wyatt

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