(no subject)

Mar 27, 2005 03:37

new layout... im prepping myself for new stories.

i came up with 10 ideas the other night... plus ive got like.. the 100+ i had from way back when. ill probably leaf through them in my free time and discard the stupid ones.

various amounts of things have changed in my life over the past few months, so its inevitable that the plots of whatever i come up with will be altered, as well.

no more good charlotte. ever.
no more simple plan, no more any thing in that area.
taking back sunday/brand new, sure. but like.. im kind of sick of it. but upon request, ill use their names if its gonna mean more readers. im a sellout. but i have to be. no one will read anything if its not about these people. and dont even try to argue with me cuz i posted two thing this week and got like, six readers. max. which, i guess in the long run really means that those are the people that matter.

im writing for myself now. not for anyone else.

positive story lines are seen in the near future. dramatic, but like.. no suicidal, severly depressed, bloodied up characters. unless thats like.. what im trying to go for. depends on my mood, but im hoping i dont slip into any of that any time soon.

i hate to say it, but slash is gonna slip from the line up for a while, too. i mean, yeah. ill still throw it in. maybe every third story. but if i wanna give these things to like, professors and people of that nature, i gotta make it more mature and audience friendly. it really does depend on the audience.

im babbling. and tired. so maybe ill go to bed... and there will be something up soon. that hopefully will get a good response. im not expecting the 100+ readers i had for With One Kiss and those stories.. but.. im also hoping not to be a one hit wonder in fictional writing.

hopefully everyone didn't forget about me. that would just about break my heart..

but yeah. sleep = good stuff. i should get some.

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