Dec 20, 2010 07:47


Name/Nickname: Terra.
Journal: ryuuseisui.


Character Name: Doug.
Canon: D.Gray-man.
Point taken from canon: After the Jerome-Akuma events have been wrapped up and Bookman and Lavi return to the Order, but before Doug finds out about Colette's death and gets himself killed.

Age: Eighteen.
Gender: Male.

Appearance: Doug is described as being of a slight build and at 5'3"/162 cm, he's probably noticeably shorter than average for his age. It doesn't help that he has a 'round-eyed child's face' in addition to that, a combination that might make him appear younger than eighteen. Aside from that, his appearance isn't particularly unusual, so he's unlikely to stand out. He has short, straight black hair that's still long enough for strands to stick out at the back, top and sides and frame his face at the front, and his eyes are blue. Most of the time, Doug wears his Finder's uniform, a long white coat with a hood, and when working, he usually carries the phone/communication box Finders carry on their backs as well.

Doug's 'perfect posture and unwavering footsteps' are noted in canon, suggesting that he looks as serious and focused as he acts about his work while he's working. His facial expressions reflect his emotions clearly, whether negative or positive.

Background: [No wiki information to link exists for Doug, to my knowledge, so I've reused the background information I wrote for another app, editing it a little this time where I thought I could have elaborated more.]

At this point in time, Doug is still an eighteen-year-old Finder in the Black Order. Canon doesn't mention how long he has been working with the Order, but the reader is told that Doug lost his parents at some point and was raised by relatives. It's likely that he joined the Order after that and has been there for over two years, as he meets Lavi at around sixteen, when Lavi has just come to join the Order with Bookman.

Doug's missions involve investigating odd rumours that may be connected to Innocence, Akuma and the Millennium Earl, and gathering information to confirm such rumours, after which Exorcists can step in where their help is needed and safely retrieve the discovered Innocence, as its presence tends to lead to the arrival of Akuma on the scene as well.

The most recent mission Doug was sent on takes place in France, more specifically a (fictional) town near Paris called Elysee. There, Doug works with Lavi and Bookman for the second time. The first was a year ago, but is significant as it changed the way Doug saw Lavi. That time, Doug had been trying to divert an Akuma's attention by drawing it to himself, wanting to save a fellow Finder, and he ended up forced to hide inside a building on the verge of collapse. Alone and lacking any way of defeating Akuma, Doug would have faced death, if it hadn't been for Lavi arriving on the scene - to Doug's surprise. Prior to this incident, he'd thought of Lavi as someone who didn't care about others and only displayed a friendly personality that didn't reach past the surface. After that point, however, it seems that Doug readily changed his mind and began to think of Lavi as a friend.

In France, the trio pursue some strange rumours and occurrences further, which leads them to investigate a man named Jerome Dreselle. They meet his son, Serge, and the young maid working at his mansion, Colette. Eventually they confirm that Jerome is the Akuma some of the rumours have pointed to, the Akuma is defeated and Doug parts ways with Lavi and Bookman, staying behind to wrap matters up while they return to the Order.

Unfortunately the story doesn't end there. Instead of being able to give Colette her birthday present and pay off her father's debts to allow her to go to school instead of working at such a young age, Doug discovers that Colette has died, murdered by Serge, who suspects her of theft. Desperate, Doug takes her to a statue that can supposedly bring the dead back to life - even though he and the others had voiced their suspicions that it was connected to the Millennium Earl - and soon dies himself, becoming the skin for the Akuma created when Colette's soul is called back. This Akuma returns to the Order, but is defeated by Lavi. However, if accepted, Doug would arrive in-game prior to these events taking place for him and would have no knowledge of what happens to him and Colette in their world.

Personality: [This is also reused from a previous app I wrote, with some additions made this time to elaborate a bit in places.]

Generally polite and friendly without being excessive about it, as well as sincere in his actions and words, Doug is able to get along with different people. This is useful for a Finder, as it allows him to approach people for information on missions, but his behaviour is genuine, not an act simply to put them at ease and gain their trust for the sake of answered questions. He is difficult to mislead if he notices something off about a person, however, and he carries his work out with diligence.

At one point, another character describes Doug as naive, after noting that Doug is 'easily swayed by emotion', believing that trait to be both a strength and a weakness in Doug. The same character also compares Doug to what he hears about Allen Walker - they both look mild-mannered but are 'strong at heart'. It's not really that Doug is particularly naive at all, since he knows to stay cautious and doesn't trust blindly, but rather that he is someone who feels for others.

Doug's genuine kindness is one major part of his personality. He is said to be 'a boy who approached everything earnestly, kindly, clumsily' and extremely compassionate, easily moved and quick to worry about other people first, to the point of having a tendency to disregard his own safety when others are in danger and willingly stepping in to act as a decoy or shield in hopes of protecting them.

Another major part of Doug's personality brought up and displayed in canon a few times is his perceptiveness. Working as a Finder sharpened his natural ability to read others. When he first meets Lavi, for instance, he refuses to look at or have extended conversations with him, able to see through Lavi's feigned friendliness and thinking of him as untrustworthy. However, in spite of realizing that Lavi deliberately places distance between himself and others and seems to be hiding something, Doug came to trust him after all and interacts with him as a friend. Towards Lavi, Doug appears considerably less reserved by now, freely smiling at Lavi, scolding (and hitting) him for scaring Colette, showing annoyance at being teased, relying on him and even hugging him in gratitude once, which surprises Lavi with how unexpectedly fervent it is at that, as Doug probably isn't usually the type to do something so forward.

In short, Doug is the nice, morally upstanding, sometimes recklessly self-sacrificing sort.

Abilities/Strengths: While Doug doesn't have any fighting or other superhuman abilities, he's supposed to be good at what he does as a Finder, shown when Bookman and Lavi leave asking most questions to Doug and Komui speaks of him as 'an excellent Finder'. He's observant, knows how to approach people for information and can read others well, allowing him to determine whether they can be taken at face value or if something might need further investigation. His harmless appearance probably also makes it easier to approach people without making them uncomfortable or suspicious.

Weaknesses: As an ordinary, mortal human with no special powers, said to be slow (presumably in reaction/movement time) and not exactly looking physically imposing, Doug probably wouldn't be much good in a fight. Since training to fight wouldn't help Finders against Akuma at all and shouldn't be necessary to carry out their missions, his only way of defending himself in a situation that requires it would be to do what he can to escape, although he doesn't let that deter him from facing danger himself if it means helping others. In that sense, his kindness and ability to feel for people are also a weakness because they can be used against him rather easily and might, in certain situations, lead him to do things against his better judgement.

Defining Quote(s): [The following quotes come from the translation of 'The 49th Name' found here.]

"They say the eyes are the mirror of the soul. Without a doubt it's the eyes where people's true feelings show through the most. I can tell a person's mental state by looking at their eyes." - Doug.

'He's always so impractical. When we were working together on a mission a year ago, too, he used himself as a decoy in order to save a fellow Finder who was injured and got left behind.' - Lavi, about Doug.

'He collided with me head-on, telling me to truly look at him when I spoke to him.' - Lavi, about Doug.

'Doug looked at the Bookman sharply. "But I can't just leave him to die!" It was clear to anyone that Doug was prepared for death.'

'"But she's so young, it must be difficult for her..." A shadow crossed Doug's face. His heart must be aching in sympathy for the unfortunate girl. Doug was a superb Finder, but he was easily swayed by emotion.

Honestly, he's so naïve.

That was his strength, and his weakness.' - Lavi, about Doug.

'Lavi gazed intently at the retreating Doug. Perfect posture and unwavering footsteps. He really hadn't changed at all since then.

No, that wasn't true. Just a moment ago, he'd had an unworried expression and acted without reserve. When they'd first met, Doug would barely meet Lavi's eyes. Now that seemed like the distant past.'

'He sure is easy to read, thought Lavi.'

'Doug had been a boy who approached everything earnestly, kindly, clumsily. At times he was so compassionate it verged on weakness.'


- Apparently children often like Doug and it seems to be mutual. Based on his interaction with Colette, he has patience with them and takes them seriously. He quickly grows close to Colette, who opens up to him, and feels protective of her, becoming determined to do something to help her leave her current unhappy, lonely situation working as a maid because of her father's debts.

- Canon mentions that Doug is 'awkward around girls' and he tells Lavi that he has never given a present to a girl before. He seems fine talking politely to a young waitress and befriending Colette (this includes comforting her when she's crying, hugging her and holding her hand, all in an older brother sort of manner), but it might be that he gets shy around girls closer to his own age or in situations that are a little more personal and unfamiliar, never really having had the chance to meet and get to know that many girls in the first place to have much experience interacting with them outside of work. Propriety might have something to do with it, too.

- Doug reassures Colette that he doesn't 'use violence' and he is troubled by the thought that someone has been hurting her. He did make an exception when he hit Lavi in the head and grabbed him for upsetting Colette - although this wasn't an attempt to start a fight and beat Lavi up.

- As there are so many Finders in the Order compared to the number of Exorcists, enough for them not to run out despite the number of Finders who don't last very long, it's possible that Doug hasn't worked with all the Exorcists yet, but he should know of the ones there during his time and recognize their names and maybe faces.

- Doug probably wouldn't be aware of anything about the darker aspects of the Order, and if Finders are told about the existence of Noah on the Millennium Earl's side, it's unlikely that they know much more beyond that, since Komui had to ask Bookman for more information himself.

- Doug wants to believe in a just God, so while there are times when he questions God's mercy and existence because of the things that happen to innocent people, he tries to talk himself out of his doubts when they cross his mind.

- Despite seeing a lot of death, especially of fellow Finders, in his line of work, Doug isn't desensitized to it or willing to accept it as something inevitable in war. He'd never stand by and watch people die if he can try to do something to prevent it.

- Doug's parents may have been killed by Akuma, leading Doug to end up joining the Black Order.

Action Writing Sample:

-- Where...?

[ The Hitomi records darkness, the sound of shifting fabric and a new, bewildered voice. ]

... Hello? Is anyone there?

[ Cautious footsteps can be heard, grass rustling with each one. When they come to a stop, before long, there are odd noises much closer to the Hitomi - the pocket responsible for the current darkness in the video feed is being patted a few times, until a hand reaches into it, grasping the Hitomi to lift it out.

Now a boy's face comes into view, looking as bewildered as he sounded and a little uneasy, then the video's angle suddenly tilts, catching a brief glimpse of a white ribbon fluttering through the air - a startled sound accompanies it in the background - followed by a flash of more white.

After all that, the face from a moment ago returns. The boy studies the Hitomi's screen before he resumes walking with it in his hand. As he walks, eyeing his new and rather unexpected surroundings, his gaze falls on a rabbit hopping past his feet and his expression grows even more puzzled.

This feels too real to be a dream, but that makes less sense than if it were a dream. He's not sure he can find any explanation for it that would make sense. ]

Third Person Writing Sample: Doug ran as fast as he could, stumbled, picked himself back up to throw a glance over his shoulder and kept running. The Akuma was still in pursuit - the others should have enough time to get to safety, then, now that a good distance lay between them, and hopefully the Exorcists would be able to destroy it soon. Bookman and Lavi...

Ducking behind a large tree, pressed close against it, Doug granted himself a moment to try to catch his breath while he scanned the area for a route that really would buy enough time. His lungs were starting to burn and he felt light-headed, his heart thumping in his chest. Truthfully, he wasn't sure how long he'd be able to keep this up.

He swallowed and peered around the side of the tree's trunk. Seconds later, another nearby tree exploded in a shower of splintered wood and leaves. Doug threw his arms up to shield his head, crouching back down. The Akuma! It was closer now than he'd thought.

Could he make it if he ran further in the opposite direction? Between this spot and the next group of trees he could see, there was a stretch of empty ground to cross. But if he stayed where he was...

Doug pushed himself to his feet and took off again. Another glance back confirmed what the loud crash behind him told him - the tree he'd used to hide was no longer there. He reminded himself not to falter, not even at the grotesque sight of the Akuma still persistently searching for anyone to kill.

How many people had already died this time...?

Forcing those thoughts aside, Doug focused on reaching that group of trees. Past them, he could see a few buildings - houses? It looked like no one had lived there for some time, in any case. Maybe, if he could get inside one without being seen, it would mean delaying the Akuma for at least a little while longer. There should be a way to escape through another exit, maybe a window on another side, once it was distracted.

He checked behind him again, then darted towards the nearest of the old structures and inside. Silently, he hoped it would stay standing. Up close, it was surprising that what remained of the door had opened without falling off its hinges completely. Doug, on the other hand, let himself fall to his knees in a corner of the room he had entered. It was quiet. Being here felt strange - intrusive, even though the building must have been abandoned for years. He'd be glad to leave it.

But, with a sinking feeling, he quickly realized that wouldn't be possible. The temporary quiet was broken as the Akuma continued its assault outside and the walls shook, dust and debris crumbling from the ceiling. At this rate, even if the Akuma's attacks didn't hit him directly, something else probably would. He could go back outside and risk running straight into its path or stay inside and wait for whatever came first.

Suddenly, the already flimsy door was smashed apart. Eyes widening, Doug stared at what he saw.

That wasn't the Akuma.

"Lavi!" Doug couldn't keep his relief, and astonishment, out of his voice. Lavi was an Exorcist, so it was his job to fight Akuma, but there wasn't really any reason for him to have come to this building. The fact that he had...

Doug thought he finally saw something different in the other boy's eye, something genuine. Maybe he'd been wrong about Lavi.

When all this was over, he'd apologize.

!app, !rp: kannagara

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