With our powers combined, we are....

Jun 10, 2011 22:11

... presenting a meta!

Does everyone know ash48? You should. She is a super talented vidder, and there's usually some pretty interesting discussions going on at her journal. One day, she wondered aloud why it seems like Supernatural kills off all its women, and whether more women actually die in the show.

So what did we do? We screened the eps, did an actual count, and lost only a little bit of sleep in the meantime :P

And the good new is, we now have an actual answer to whether Supernatural kills more women than men!

It took a lot of work, but the results are really interesting, and they're posted to spn_heavymeta below, complete with graphs and pretty pretty pictures:

This was also a ton of fun to do :) Major hugs and unending respect to ash48 for her patience and all her awesome ideas. Thank you, bb! I'm so glad I got to work with you :)

A hefty round of applause also goes to el1ie for all the beautiful graphics you will see. She really made this thing come together. Thank you!

And I, of course, have to thank my super fantabulous beta, elveys_stuff, for taking whatever nonsense I throw at her and giving it back better than it started. <3

And without further ado... the banner will take you to the post. It's just for fun musings, not intended to step on any toes, and comments and discussions are heartily welcomed. See you there!

spn, meta

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