Well, my day with CT yesterday was fun. :)
1. Nervous Habits: Nail biting, smoking, and bouncing my leg.
2. Are you double jointed? I think.
3. Can you roll your tongue? Yep!
4. Can you raise one eyebrow at a time? Yes.
5. Can you blow spit bubble? Hehe, of course.
6. Can you cross your eyes? Mhm. But Mepi can`t. :)
7. Tattoos? Nope.
8. Piercings and where? Four in my right ear, two in my left, and one in my belly button.
9. Do you make your bed daily? Nope.
10. Which shoe goes on first? I liked Leigh`s answer: "Whichever one I pick up first"
11. Speaking of shoes, have you ever thrown one at anyone? I think so. :P
12. On the average, how much money do you carry in your wallet? I never have any money.
13. What jewelry do you wear? A lot of jelly bracelets, my Care Bears watch, a bracelet a coooool Quaker made me, a few beaded ones I made myself, the ring Lysheh sent me on my right hand, two little heart rings on my middle finger (left hand) along with some 25 cent ring with no little jewel in it anymore. Then I wear whatever earrings I can find in the morning and Leigh`s red cat collar.
14. Favorite piece of clothing? Boxers. :D
15. Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it? I`m all about that twirling.
16. Have you ever eaten Spam? No.
17. Favorite ice cream flavor? Cotton Candy or anything Caramel.
18. How many cereals in your cabinet? One right now.
19. What's your favourite beverage? Arizona Iced Tea, coffee, or Diet Coke.
20. What's your favorite restaurant? HAHA. UNO`S.
21. Do you cook? Not usually. That`s my daddy`s job.
22. How often do you brush your teeth? Twice a day.
23. Hair drying method? Towel dry and either hit it with some hair spray or blow dry it.
24. Have you ever colored/highlighted your hair? Me? Haha, noooo. ;P
25. Do you swear? Yeah.
26. Do you ever spit? Yep.
27. Animal? Piggies, puppies, kitties, mainly anything of the "ies" variety.
28. Food? French Fries or salads.
29. Month? January.
30. Day? Saturday.
31. Favorite Cartoon Character? Hm. I dunno.
32. Shoe Brand? Hehe! CHUCK TYLERS. Or anything really tall.
33. Subject in school? Photo or English.
34. Color? Every single freaking one.
35. Sport? Nope.
36. TV show? Well, I usually only watch Law and Order, so I guess that.
41. The CD player? I think it`s my Lost Tourists CD..
42. Person you talk most on the phone with? Leigh.
43. Ever taken a cab? Nope.
44. Do you regularly check yourself out in store windows and mirrors? Yes... I`m vain.
45. What color is your bedroom? White.
46. Do you use an alarm clock? Yeah.
47. Window seat or aisle? Window.
48. What's your sleeping position? Side or tummy.
49. Even in hot weather do you use a blanket? Yeah.
50. Do you snore? I don`t think so, everyone says I don`t.
51. Do you sleepwalk? No.
52. Do you talk in your sleep? I guess.
53. Do you sleep with stuffed animals? Yep! Piggie.
54. How about with the light on? Heh, yesss.
55. Do you fall asleep with the TV or radio on? Sometimes a CD, but not so much any more.
1. have every cd you want or see all movies for free? Every CD.
2. wear shoes full of earthworms or a hat full of spiders? Worms. Spiders are scary.
3. be a snowman or live in a sandcastle? Hmmm.. I like the sandcastle.
4. be caught singing in the mirror or spying on your crush? Singing in my mirror.
5. know it all or have it all? Hm. Know.
6. sneeze every 30 seconds or have to repeat everything everyone says? Sneeze.
7. see the movie or read the book? Read.
8. know when everyone else is lying or always get away with lying yourself? Again, I like Leigh`s answer.
9. be caught singing in the mirror or spying on ur crush? WTF?!
10. live on the bottom of the ocean or on another planet? Another planet, it`s dark under the ocean.
11. open the door when someone's changing, or have someone open the door while ur changing? Other person. And they`d better not be fat!
12. be the president of the US or be a famous movie star? Movie stahhh.
13. unwrap one big box or twenty little ones? One big one.
14. give or recieve? Give.
15. sleep through christmas day or new years eve? Christmas.
16. give up your computer or your phone? Jesus. Why is that SO hard to decide?!
17. be a dog named killer or a cat named fluffy? My uncle has a dog named Killer...
18. be a boy or girl? Well, everyone knows that I`d much rather be a boy most of the time, but right now I`m definitely content being a girl.
19. have 20 OK friends or 1 really good one? One good one.
20. eat only pizza or only chocolate cake? Pizza. I don`t like chocolate cake.
21. eat a food you dont like for a year or your favorite food for 20? The food I don`t.
22. have 1 wish granted today, or 3 20 years from now? 3 twenty years from now.
23. own a truck or a sports car? How about a VESPA?!
24. have 7 older brothers or 7 older sisters? Older brothers.
25. be santa or the tooth fairy? The tooth fairy!
26. have a crush on your best friend's boyfriend, or find out that he has one on you? Find out.
27. go sky diving, or go to the movies? Movies. But I want to try sky-diving sometime in my life.
28. spill grape juice on your favorite shirt, or sing loudly on a crowded bus? The singing one. I think I`ve probably done that before anyway.
29. live on a houseboat or in a treehouse? Treehouse!
30. stop time or stop worrying? Stop worrying. Stopping time would get too boring.
31. win 1 million dollars for charity or 5 thousand for yourself? $5,000. I know, I`m selfish.
32. find an envelope marked "TOP SECRET" or 30 bucks? Haha! Leigh, stop having cool answers: "The envelope. I could sell it to Romania for soooooo much more than 30 bucks."
33. meet your hero for 5 minutes or get no homework for a year? No homework.
34. always lose or never play? Always lose, but make it LOOK like I win. :D
35. only speak 10 words, or speak a language none of your friends can understand? Hm. I`m sure if I spoke another language, they`d pick it up. So that one.
36. end hunger or hatred? I don`t know.
37. be forced to lie to your best friend, or always tell the truth to your parents? Ugh, tell my parents the truth? Gross.
38. be allergic to money or music? Yeah, I don`t think I could get along without music, so money.
39. have to say everything on your mind, or never speak again? Say Everything, which is a GC song isn`t it?! OMG!
40. find true love or a billion dollars? True love.
41. smell like licorice or popcorn? Licorice.
42. have to hum all the time or mumble? I mumble most of the time anyway.
42. give bad advice or take it? Take it.
43. scream as loud as you can for half an hour or be silent for 3 days? Scream.
44. be locked in a department store or library? Department Store.
45. snore or sleep walk? Sleep walk. I`d be like Donnie Darko. Hahaha.
46. be an ok singer or a great songwriter? Great songwriter.
47. play the harp or the drums? Harp.
48. vegatables tasted like candy or traffic sounded like laughter? I think the traffic one would be way too creepy, so the candy one is good. I love candy.
48. be blind or deaf? I hate this question... A lot.
49. change your past or know your future? None.
50. trade lives with your gym teacher or math teacher? Haha, neither. My last math teacher was JON JARRETT!!!
51. have an endless supply of snowballs or water balloons? Snowballs.
52. go camping or stay at home? Let`s go camping.
53. be normal and ignored or brilliant and disliked? Normal and ignored.
54. never be sick or never be sad? Never be sick.
55. be a movie star or a rock star? Rock stahhh.
56. forget your name or everyone else's? Mine.
1. What are your initials? AMS
2. Does your printer print fast & well? Nope.
3. Do you have shoes on? No.
4. Are there any lights on in the room? Only from the window and the sun.
5. How many days of school left do you have? A lot. :(
6. What are you going to do right when you get out of school? I don`t know...
7. Are you going to be sad that you are leaving? School? I guess. A lot of people tell me they miss it.
8. What was your last entry about? CT and another survey.
9. In the last IM you sent, what did you say? "Fine, how about you?"
10. What is your favorite crayon? Swirly ones!
11. Have you ever gone streaking in the winter? Psh, no.
12. What time did you go to bed last night? Ten or eleven.
13. Are any of your great grandparents still alive? Yeah. Both my G-Ma`s.
14. What era do you wish you lived in? Now is fine for me.
15. If you were stranded in the forest, what would you do? Walk.
16. What is your layout of? White.
17. Have you ever thought of where the world ends? No.
18. What exercise equipment do you own? Some stuff in the basement but I never use it.
19. Are you wearing a watch? Yep!
20. What brand is your shirt? I dunno.
21. Are your toenails painted? I think.
22. Are you going to take a shower after this? Maybe.
23. How many stories is your house? I think two? I don`t know.
24. Have you ever shocked yourself? By a vaccuum.
25. Have you been hit by lightning? No.
26. Have you ever been swimming while it was raining? Yeah.
27. Do you usually tan or burn? Burn and then it turns into a tan.
28. Have you ever been in a tanning salon? No.
29. What kind of surveys do you like to take? Anyone.
30. Have you ever flashed a guy? Uhhhh... I think.
31. Have you ever given out your number to some random person? Haha, kinda.
32. What do you think about online dating? Nah.
33. Are you scared of the dark? Yep.
34. Do you ever study? Not usually.
35. Do you say that you will never raise your kids like your parents raise you? No.
36. How many kids do you want? Dunno.
37. Are you scared of giving birth? Kinda.
38. Do you think you're annoying? Hmm, sometimes.
39. When was the last time you were extremely sick? I don`t remember.
40. What is your favorite kind of underwear? None.
41. Do you wish Xanga had forums? XANGA? WHAT?! FUCK NO, EL JAY ALL THE WAY.
42. Have you met anyone on Xanga? Not really.
43. Would you date someone more than 10 years older than you? Nah. The cut off would be like, five. But not right now of course.
44. Where are you planning on living when you get older? Anywhere I want to.
45. Have you ever been to the Naval Academy? No?
46. Do you know your family history? Not really.
47. Do you like to make lots of screennames & link them all together? Not really.
48. What is the most overused smiley? I like this one: :)
49. What is the most overused word? "LIKE"
50. Do you like the movie "Napoleon Dynamite?": ...I just had a conversation about this like, two nights ago.
51. Would you ever name your kid Napoleon? Nope.
52. Do you own a beanbag chair? Yeah, but my cats tore it apart. :(
53. What magazines do you get? None.
54. Do you wear a lot of hemp? Hemp is cool, but I don`t wear it.
55. Do you play handball? No.
56. Do you find yourself daydreaming a lot? Sometimes.
57. What is your home football team? I don`t know.
58. What is your home basketball team? None!
59. When was your last shave? Piiiiits.
60. What parts of your body do you shave? Girly places. But not my arms.
61. Do you like open or enclosed areas? Open.
62. Do you like being alone or around a lot of people? With a lot of people I get along with.
63. Do you think what type of music a person listens to says a lot about them? Oh gosh, of course.
64. Will you have a job over the summer? I`d better.
65. What was your last search online? Lyrics probably.
66. Do you own a poodle? Nope.
67. Type whatever word comes to your mind. Pink.
68. Close your eyes & grab something. An empty pack of Newports. Yay.
69. Try to describe feet in as many words as you can. Gross?
70. Do you have a dirty mind? It lives in the gutter?
71. Do you have a maid? No.
75. How long have you been online? Right now? Almost an hour.
76. Does your best friend annoy you? Nope. :)
77. Is there someone you don't talk to but wait online for them all the time? Sometimes.
78. What is your definition of "love?": Ugh, it`s so hard to describe.
79. Do you find your life fascinating? Hm. Nah.
80. Name one person. CT!
81. Why did they come to your mind? Because that kid`s cool as shit.
82. What kind of cake do you like? I only like the icing.
83. Do you sing in the car? Yep!
84. Has anyone ever caught you picking you nose? I don`t care, I tell people in advance.
85. What toppings do you put on your ice cream? Rainbow Sprinkles.
86. What word is shorter when you add 2 letters to it? Leigh figured it out.
87. How many situps can you do in a minute? Like, not a lot.
88. Type whatever lyrics come to your head: Haha. "I want your girlfriend to be my girlfriend"
89. Have you ever fallen down the stairs? Yep.
90. What 2 colors are best together? I agree with everyone! PURPLE AND GREEN!! :DD
Friends Survey:
Who is the funniest? Oh golly. I get a kick outta all of em. :D
Most serious? Leigh.
Most studious? Mepi.
Silliest? I guessss, me. Or Evan, when he`s high. :P
Sportiest? OMG. CT.
Preppiest? CT. Haha, take that.
Best taste in music? Leigh, Mike, Mepi, and... fucking CT!
Best taste in clothes? Mepi-poo.
Most talented? Well, all of us.
Best abs? Psh, so me.
Best hair? Leigh!
Most likely to be president? Mike.
Most likely to end up in jail? Hah... yeah, about that...
One you've known the longest? MEPI!
Best leader? Don't know.
Loudest? CT.
Quietest? Leigh.
One with the best pool? None of us has a pool?
A.re you afraid of spiders? Yeahhh. Only the big ones.
B.oy or girl? Girl.
C.an you do a cartwheel? Kinda.
D.o you currently have a crush on someone? NOPE! ;D
E.asy going or picky? Easy going.
F.avorite band? It`d be too hard to pick.
G.ambler? Psh, I don`t have money to gamble with.
H.ottest male celebrity? J. Depp. Rawr.
I.cecream or frozen yogurt? Ice Cream.
J.ealous type? Sort of. Yeah, I can be.
K.oolaid or Juicy Juice? KOOL-AID! OHHH YEAH.
L.ove or lust? LOVE!
M.et a celebrity? No.
N.ice guys or party animals? That`s weird.. Those nice "I LOVE TO PARTY" types. :D
O.utgoing or shy? I guess I`m pretty outgoing.
P.olite or do you talk like a sailor? Yeah, I`m going to go with Leigh`s answer: "Both"
Q.uiet or loud? I can be both.
R.an 3 or more miles, w/o stopping? Heh, I don`t think I ever could`ve done that..
S.leep in or stay out? Stay out and THEN sleep in.
T.ake surveys or quizzes? Surveys.
W.hat is your ambition/goal in life? Right now, get good grades.
X.treme situation - you're about to die and must will your 3 fave possessions to 3 people you know. What are the possessions and who do you will them to? It`s a free for all. Take as much stuff as you can carry out, if you really want it that bad.
Y.ou can go anywhere in the world - where do you go? England?
Z.ebras or cows? Zebras.
Whats the last 2 digits in your cell number? 73
IM the first person on your buddy list who is not away and say "hey sexy, u want my bod?" What do they say? "Cait: ohhh yesss plz" Thanks for sparking a conversation too! :D
If you bought a turtle what would you name it? FATASS.
whats your favorite away message? Lyrics.
whats your favorite kind of cookie? Dude, SNICKDOODLES are amazing!
would you rather be a talk show host or a game show host? Talk show.
do you own an ipod? No.
do you play an instrument? No.
describe your favorite xanga icon? XANGA SUCKS.
whats the first thing you see if you turn to your right? My dad`s bed with our dogs on it.
if you could live anywhere in the world where would it be? London.
if you had to pick 5 people you know to live on a deserted island with you for eternity (boys or girls) who would you pick based on what: Dammit. I want all of my friends.. :(
whats your first memory? Haha, who cares?
Have you ever been on a yacht? No.
What color looks best on you? I dunno.
Are you currently taking any drugs for allergys or other reasons? No. Just for recreation?
Have you ever been to Six Flags? Yeah.
Whats your favorite band/singer? Hm. Too hard to pick.
Have you ever been to one of the question aboves concerts? Psh.
Whats your favorite show on MTV? Room Raiders, when it`s gay. :D
Do you prefer Italian or Mexican food? Italian.
Would you rather live alone or surrounded by a bunch of people who you didn't like? Alone.
Have you ever been in your schools spelling bee? No.
How old do you wish you were? 18.
If you could be any other person in the world who would you be and why? I`m fine being meee. :D
Republican or Democrat? Democrat? I don`t even know.
Have you ever dusted your house? Haha, I haven`t.
Are you the oldest middle youngest or only? Only.
Name 2 people in your class and write 2 random facts about them? Cait Principe: HOT AS SHIT, and I love that girl. Uhhhh... and... I dunno.
Do you like guys/girls with accents? Yeah.
Have you ever had a livejournal? Yeah. Duh.
How many people do you have on your buddy list? 103.
Do you like darker sodas(eg. coke pepsi..) or the lighter ones (eg. 7up Sprite..)? Dark. Like my men, ow ow!
If you could be the opposite sex for a day would you do it? Yeah!
Do you use toothpicks? No.
Can you bake a cake from scratch? No.
What clubs are you in at your school? HACKEYSACK and photo.
Whats your favorite season? Fall.
do you own a pool? Nope.
do you like pretzels? They`re okay.
whats your favorite vegetable? Lettuce and carrots and potatoes.
whose your favorite athlete and what sport do they play? I don`t like sports.
do you like quesidillas? Mhm!
Have you seen Napolean Dynamite? Yeah.
Do you like reality shows? Not so much.
Are you a Buffy finatic? No.
Have you ever been out of the country? Nope.
whats your special talent? I can sing.
if you have a crush..whats the first letter of his/her name? C.
whats the best present you've ever gotten? I love cards for some reason and stuffed aminals.
What SPF is your sunscreen? I don`t know.
Have you ever been called a hero? I think.
Whats your favorite holiday? Halloween.
Can you pat your head and rub your tummy? Yep.
what time is it? 3:27 pm
whens the last time you climbed a tree? At Leigh`s house, I think? I tried.
Describe your life in 3 words. AM-AZ-ING? Not so much.
What TV character are you most like..why? I dunno.
do you like night or day better? Night.
whats your favorite "hangout"? Depends on who I`m with.
can you swim well? I can`t. At all.
whats your computers name? Pookie bear? :P
first date: Like, formal "this-is-a-date" date? Hm. I dunno.
first kiss: DF.
first break-up: DF.
first screen name: gooberash1
first self-purchased album: I dunno.
first funeral: My na-na`s, I thnk.
first pet: A kitty named Precious and we still have her.
first piercing: Earlobes.
first credit card: None.
first true love: EJS.
first enemy: Haha, I don`t know. I had this big thing against Katie Martin in elementary school.
first musician you remember hearing in your house: Probably like, Aerosmith.
last time you smoked: About... now.
last car ride: Yesterday.
last kiss: Hehe, yesterday!
last good cry: Two nights ago.
last library book checked out: I don`t remember.
last movie seen: Dude, Where`s my Car?
last beverage: Water.
last food consumed: Apple Jacks rip-off.
last crush: My last one was on DH.
last phone call: CT. :D
last time showered: Two days ago. I`m grosss.
last shoes worn: Brown, furry boots.
last CD played: I played a Jimmy Eat World song this morning.
last item bought: Cigarettes. Well, I didn`t buy them, but I paid for them.
last annoyance: TXT messaging.
last disappointment: How I did things to fuck up other people`s lives.
last time wanting to die: I don`t know. Not for a long time.
last shirt worn: Purple one.
last website visited: Myspace!
last word you said: Bye. I got off the phone with my dad.
last song you sang: No Doubt probably "Sunday Morning" with Chuck.
wearing: Plaid boxers, button up shirt, that`s pretty much it.
what's under your bed? A lot of stuff?
what time did you wake up today? Liiiike, 1:45 pm. I kept wanting to finish my dreams.