Jul 07, 2010 22:19
[So, Sam had gone to Prefect's room, communicator in hand, to make sure he'd gotten word of the Inmate AA thing. But what he finds... is horrifying enough to make him drop his comm. It clicks on, unbeknownst to him.]
Where's your bed?
Where's-- There was a bed. Here. And-- and pillows. Here. Sheets... were supposed to be there. And there. And the box spring-- What have you done with it?!
[Longer pause.]
Am I-- am I seeing things, or is that rosebush...
[OOC: Sort of a callback to Sam's "WHERE'S MY DESK?!?!" scene in the first episode :c This is me just making fun of myself for SOMEHOW FAILING TO NOTICE that Prefect hasn't had a bed. For a year. LOLOL.]
not in kansas anymore,
sam is confused