Well, all in all? That was easier than a typical case.
Anybody up for the pub tonight? After the snowball fight, of course.
[HERE IS A LIST OF ASSUMED THINGS following Sam's last post. Sam, having already suspected Loki because he's massively biased against him (and we all know how gung ho Sam is when he's biased against a crook), followed
this thread and used Loki's incriminating comment-- coupled with his attempt at misdirection in Cobra Commander's journal and the 'innocent' comments to Una re: the theft-- as justification to call a search on his room. So, he wrote off a note to Angel detailing his intent to search Loki's room and why, that you can assume is private in this entry and backdated to before the above public comment. He also wrote a note to Armand, also assumed and private in this entry, in which he declares that he suspects Loki of the recent thefts and is searching his room at such and such time, so that Armand can be present-- ALSO BACKDATED. He took another member of Security/CID, like Howie or Annie, to Loki's room to do the search, wrote the inventory of what he found and confiscated up, and sent a copy to Angel and gave one to Armand and Loki (as well as kept on) for recordkeeping purposes.
AND ALSO BACKDATED: He then wrote off a private message to all of the people who PUBLICLY stated they were missing something, telling him that he found their stuff and they can come pick them up in like, the first floor common room. Everything else that Loki may've taken that wasn't reported as missing? Will be there with Sam, too, and he'll have written up a public inventory so people could either a) reclaim lost goods or b) reclaim SOMEBODY ELSE'S lost goods like a dick lololll.
ANYWAY. So. You can respond to this entry of massive assumptions if your character wants to say something to Sam]