[mm; a long-awaited return]

May 18, 2009 10:25

When Ben and Max step through the door from Milliways back into their France hotel room, Max doesn't even try to cover up the sigh that leaves him. It's a mix of relief and sadness - his vacation is very much over, but he is, at least, back in his own world. With Ben.

(Alex will come through later, after they're back in DC. Max doesn't want to put her in any unnecessary danger while they're here.)

He'll worry about the minor details that will need explaining later. On the plane, maybe. ("So, Chief, Ben and I took advantage of a romantic situation and decided to spend an extra day in Paris after completing the mission to get married..." Yeah. Like that'll work...)

"What day is it?" he asks himself, staring at the calendar on the desk. October. "Oh, right, my birthday... hasn't happened yet," he says, snickering. He's not yet forty! ... sort of.

Well, that's one drawback to hanging out in a bar at the end of the Universe: he's technically months older than he should be. Premature aging! Max calls shenanigans!

"Okay," he says, turning to Ben. "I'm going to have to call CONTROL and let them know we're about to move out." Pause. "... we are ready to do this, right?"

[game] muses, [w/] ben

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