[mm; you can't handle the truth!!]

Mar 28, 2009 23:12

Max has been wondering, lately, why Ben hasn't shown any signs of mental improvement since his "sessions" began all those weeks ago. Dr. Crane said he was one of the best psychiatrists in the whoooole country, and yet...

Ben is still totally unstable, and Max is suspicious.

This is why he's currently seated at a table downstairs with the good doctor, chatting over coffee.

... coffee that Max nearly chokes on when Frasier says, "I'm not allowed to talk about my patients and their cases, but I'm having trouble pinpointing what, exactly, it is that has Benjamin in such a state. We've discussed his childhood at length and there doesn't seem to be much of any underlying trauma - are you alright?"

"I knew it. I knew it! Damn it, Ben, you little lying son of a - "

"Oh dear. Is there, um, something I should know?"

When Max finishes relaying the story of Ben's life As He Knows It, Frasier looks more than a bit dumbfounded.

"That's impossible," Frasier decides. "I can tell when people are lying."

"Ben could trick a polygraph."

"... I've never had a patient with a life that - "

"Fucked up?" Max offers.

"... yeah."


They sigh in unison.

"Well, if you'll excuse me," Max says, rising from his seat, "I'm going to go have a chat with my husband. Thank you for your time, doctor. And for your efforts. Just - uh, have everything put on my tab."

Before Frasier can say "okay," Max is heading up the stairs with a very grumpy look on his face.

[game] muses, [w/] ben, [w/] frasier

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