MJ didnt molest those kids, he made love to them

Mar 01, 2004 07:26

So i guess my life has been pretty interesting to me at least here lately. i hate the rut im stuck in, but hey, there cant be love without hate, so fuck it. i have had fallings out with people i know and, because im SUCH a dick, i dont really mind that much cause i take life as it comes. im having an ordeal figuring out where the fuck i want to go with my life and the thing is, because of the type of person i am, direction is not my thing. frustrates the hell outta me cause i have this NEED to figure out whats next, but yet i dont want to screw up my lifes true plan and im trying to ride the wave in until i can grow old with my sweetheart and be totally happy and remembered. sounds cheesy, but i want to be happy and because the only things that have made me happy in life are things i DONT seek out, but they find me, im in an awkward state (trying to make direction for myself and all). i mean, i have things seek me out that i could have walked away from, but there is that feeling i get where i KNOW if i loose this thing or person or whatever, that im gonna regret it later on. lifes to fucking good to me and im too fucking hard for others to get myself stuck being a nothing and hating every minute of it. the only stress i have is when im letting someone down that i love. sucks, cause im such a damn happy, optomistic person that i never can fully understand the shittyness of a situation. seriously. i could have fun getting the shit kicked outta me by some frat asses cause i would know that they are gonna die unhappy and they might as well get to touch someone as kickass as me, let alone pummel, at least ONCE in their lives. sounds conceided and judgmental....cause it is. ive gotta go make a phone call and tell a friend of mine to fuck off if hes gonna give me the runaround. dammit, i should have grown up homeless in a big city. god that woulda been neat.
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