The Universal Principle.

Jan 10, 2012 12:03

Wander in Gentle Reader, please don't mind the mess.
If you can find a chair please, do sit down.
I know the place is a bit of a wreck at the moment but I can't seem to find the strength to clear up just yet.

Weekends, they come in many flavours. The warm dark chocolate taste of a weekend spent mostly in bed with the heating turned up and a good book to read, purring cat optional. The dry, acrid flavour of a weekend spent hunched over a hot soldering iron and a piece of cold iron. Take that, unseelie court. The distinctly meaty weekend spent with chums competing with each other over who can cook the best meal.

Last weekend mostly tastes of dust and ashes, dust and ashes served with a light sprinkling of raspberry ripple sauce and a cocktail sausage on a sparkler.
In short I'm still not quite right in myself. But getting better. The weekend before had the flavour of barbed wire and drowning.
There are reasons for this. I hope that they will fade in time.

But this is why I'm writing here and now.

I had a good time last weekend, I spent it doing things I like doing, with people I like doing them with, I met at least one person who promises to be interesting and possibly even diverting and I gained seven points for having my impressions of someone solidly confirmed. Albeit to the detriment of a chum. Next time I shall speak of my misgivings rather than bite my tongue.
I had a good time.
Remember that.

There are good things planned for weekends ahead, one weekend soon coming promises to taste mostly of pink.
Another may see me getting a full night's sleep.

All things are possible.

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