Gentle Reader, it's that time again.
That wonderful time between projects when I'm not forced to work all the hours available, that time when I have a little freedom to do as I please between leaving the office and falling into an unconsious exhausted stupor.
Alas it's also a time when I have absolutely nothing to do at work.
It's tedious in the extreme.
Just a matter of time before I drag my soldering iron and picaxe devkit in to work so I can get on with some (cough) projects instead of reading comics all day. Or simply ehad out to the enarest DiY shop and drag back enough timber to build the trebuchet that I've had on the design bench for far too long.*
I could try to write something for myself, either literature** or software, but to be honest I have neither the motivation nor inspiration to begin.
So many dreams, so many ideas, so many plans and plots, so damn much apathy.
No matter, as the inestimable
jfs has pointed out, This Too Shall Pass.
*Pivot height still 2 meters, largest compnent 175cm, current calculated range for a 1kg projectile 243.3 meters with a 50kg counterweight. Not too shabby...
**For certain values of literature