Well, that was different...

Feb 22, 2012 10:35

Gentle reader, do come in. There is coffee in the pot and a selection of fine biscuits on the tray. Feel free to indulge...
I'm staying away from the brandy until later, sun yard arm and all that. Once this mood of contemplation is done with I may need a stiff drink.
Contemplation? Why yes, I have a series of things to think about. The one most currently pressing being a most disastrous first "date" which occupied much of yesterday evening. Time which could have been spent to greater profit and enjoyment by cleaning the oven.

Now a date usually implies two people, and a first date often comprises little more than a gentle interrogation regarding the other person's mental state, desires, predelictions, and appetites.
Having a third person invite himself along is unusual, that this is the ex boyfriend is startling, and that the ex boyfriend spends the entire evening oscillating between embarrassing revelations and unsubtle blocking tactics merely tediously predictable given the first two.
I managed to remain polite throughout, even when the fellow suggested a threesome in the back of his van, right here right now in the restaurant carpark. Even when he was trying to come up with ever more outlandish, and frankly unpleasant, sexual variations which he claimed were the mainstay of the relationship between himself and the lass I was failing to engage in any level of civilised conversation.

There may be an opportunity to try again, but if something similar happens again I think I may have words to say, and possibly a body to dump in the Thames.
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