Congrats, inmates!

Sep 02, 2016 09:26

You are now officially running the asylums! You whined and pissed your pants in fear of EVERYTHING, and college administrations trembled! Apparently, at least one college is offering physical "safe spaces" where students can go to escape whatever makes them feel unsafe.

This is not about bullying, it is about bullshit that's being allowed to spread. When these "safe space" users leave their sheltered college lives, reality will slap them in the face and kick them in the balls and then they'll make a legion of psychiatrists rich by whining to them about how rough life is and was nothing like what college prepared them for. They'll complain that they need safe spaces in the workplace and then will melt like the snowflakes they are when said workplace tells them to deal with it. Unless they have an HR department weaned on the very same safe space bullshit, that is.

Suck it up, buttercup. The world isn't safe, you don't get to call the shots all the time, and there is ALWAYS someone waiting to say or do something not nice to you. You can either continue pissing your pants and whining or accept that and live life like an actual human being instead of the pathetic little pussy you currently are.

Please do not reply telling me my opinions are wrong and need correcting. The preceding was brought to you by nearly 3 decades of seeing this crap fester in an Ivy League school; I know what I have been seeing.

And that's all I have to say about that.

i smell bullshit, stupid fucking shit

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