Dear Bernie Sanders

Jul 12, 2016 14:50

You, sir, are a sniveling coward. You actually represented an option other than the party machine and now you've kowtowed to it for "party unity" or some such bullshit that only a career politican could comprehend.

I used to think you had honor and principles, but apparently I was wrong.

There is no reason to hold either a Republican or Democrat convention. In fact, there's no reason (other than the law of the land, which in other cases means jack shit to career politicians) to even wait until November.

In short, let's hold the vote tomorrow: It's Clinton vs Trump. The sooner one of those assholes wins the sooner we can get the really violent part of the 2nd American Civil War over with.

screw you world, fall of rome, election, fumigate the place, mene mene, zeitgeist, fuck this, stupid, you gotta be kiddin' me, assholes

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