Sep 24, 2012 04:57
After a long break from LJ I felt like it's time to start up again. I guess for a while things seemed a little blah and I had no motivation to write. Well, now they're good and they've been for a while...and to be honest I should have started a while back. I think I just got a little bit...lazy? Haha
Well this summer was AWESOME! We got a new place, Jimmy and I have gotten closer than ever, I saw my sister, did lotsa fishing, hung out in the keys... and WARPED TOUR. I saw some of my husbands, aka Taking Back Sunday! It was nice to be able to legally drink there too :D
I rolled down a hill after warped tour and got all itchy...but thanks to Jimmy's experience with allergic reactions he gave me some of his benadryl and my one hive didn't turn into 500. After that we came home, showered and went to Cici's. Best things to do after a long day at warped tour. :D
I've also learned a lot about myself...I've always noticed that I'm not big on going out as much as others. I've met tons of people this year (because of Jimmy's job) and just being somewhere peaceful and relaxing most of the time. (Except for shows...they're different as I don't need to interact with a lot of people.) Anyway, I read about introverts and yup...I'm totally one. Now I'm OK with not liking parties and bars with the group as much as others do. It's not like I don't enjoy going out ever...I still go out, just not as much as my peers do and not as long. For the most part, I prefer having a couple of people over at a time and just chill :) I used to feel strange for it but now I'm totally fine with it. No wonder I've always fantazied about living in the woods, lol. Nothing beats hanging out in our cozy place with my love.:)
I have to add that I find concerts are totally different. I don't have to interact with anyone...just get lost in the music. Still I'm totally happy to be go home after it's done. :D
Other things that have changed about me are that I don't really worry about what other people think of me like I used to. I used to think I didn't but I was so wrong lol. I'm not sure how it happened but honestly I feel a lot more free. I don't care about what Jim's family has to say...or thinks...I've really come to accept that this is OUR life and they really don't have much to do with our happiness. I'll admit they've been nicer, but still, I'd rather just avoid. This is when I'll change a saying a little and say... Ignoring is bliss :)
I'm getting a new (old used car) soon! My mom randomly said she'd give me it. I can't freaking wait. The catch is I have to go to Pennsylvania to get it, but the pro side is I'll get to see Pa anddd see her and my sis! I'll try to make the best out of the drive down for sure, might as well turn it into a fun road trip :)
But it's ok, being human will be out the beginning of next year and then when that's done new breaking bad episodes should be out. I also fucking got addicted to sister wives, really Ginny?? Sister wives?? I can't help it though...I just can't. I even watch the other episodes on the computer because...well...I love that show.
I NEED ANOTHER SHOW TO GET ADDICTED TO. Maybe this is a sign I should read more :P
Well it's 5 am now... Maybe I shouldn't have had coffee so late. :D