Just a paragraph...

Dec 28, 2007 21:43

So, over at msmoat's lj, she's trying to encourage elizabethoshea to write Pros fic. Now, personally I think this is an exceptional idea, and should be spread far and wide... Also, I really fancy reading more paragraphs of Prosfic right now - just little, random paragraphs to intrigue me, and inspire me and make me want it more...

So... if I post a random Pros paragraph here in my lj, will everyone who reads it (hah!) write a random Pros paragraph to their lj today? Please? Doesn't have to be fiction, if you don't fancy writing a paragraph (although that would be my favourite... *g*) - but just anything Pros-y?

Hmmn - shall I play on your sympathy and say "It's been a weird Christmas! I need Pros! Please help?"? Well no, maybe I won't say that, maybe I'll just post one of my own. *g*


Dark and dirt and dark and dirt and dark and...

Whatever you do, don't move your head.

Dark and dirt and dark and dirt and dark and...

Dirt. It was underneath him, his fingernails curling into it, so that when he tried to straighten his fingers he could feel it crusted around, pressing between the layers of him, as if it was trying to get in, as if it was...

No. Hold yourself together man!

Who said that?

You said that... Whispers in the dark, making his head spin.

Don't move your head...

He wanted Bodie.

Who said that?

pros fic

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