Friday - the Last Day and What Happened to the Other Days?

Sep 29, 2023 22:36

American cooties, that's what. Bugs. Lurghy. Plague... yup, bloody covid... *headdeskheaddeskheaddesk* I have avoided covid nicely back home, but I'm here barely a day (according to the 48-hours-before-symptoms thingie) and I catch it. Mumble-grumble...

I really did think it was just a cold at first - a bad one, because I've not had a cold since pre-covid either - and I worried a bit that it might be flu because I was shivery and bone-achey on top of the sore throat etc. Only then I came back to the hostel to find a covid testing kit (huh, different to the ones we use in the UK) and a message that half the hostel had just tested positive, so if I wouldn't mind checking... and for the first time ever - two lines. Gaaargh!

On the bright side though, despite being shivery and achey and collapsing onto my bed at about 5pm yesterday, and not stirring until midnight - and then carrying on sleeping after that too - I managed to stick to my clearing schedule. Sorted out on Tuesday. Distributed various items to various places on Wednesday. Okay, didn't quite manage to get everything packed on Thursday, because that was Covid Surprise Day, but I've done it now, and even weighed my bags, which are under the limit - yeay! I've given away lots of things that make me a bit sad, like my gorgeous bubbly glasses (this pic doesn't do them justice...), but they'll be appreciated here at Billie's.

I managed to go driving a little bit, to see the autumn colours...

And now I must go to bed - up for my flight tomorrow morning. Hope you've been having a better week...

plague, autumn, alaska, 2023 in photos

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