Is it still January? Not any more...

Feb 05, 2023 00:25

I swear the world is running away with me already. I seem to remember thinking January last year had flown by - and suddenly it's nearly the end of January the next year... And actually by the time I'm finishing this post it's the 1st February, so... *headdesk* (and also, pinch-and-a-punch-for-the-first-of-the-month... gosh, aren't kids violent...!)

So I only managed two posts in January, but I guess that's better than one... Anyway, January looked like this in my wee part of the world...

There was a Roman villa...

And rainbows and snowdrops...


And fog (and my writing group again...)

And birds so excited when it all finally defrosted that there was water to play in again, and deer in the farm fields (well, the deer have always been there, but I'm finally walking at the same time as they're around again)...

Birds in trees - and a murmuration, which I didn't get a photo of! A perfect circle of starlings swooping once - and twice - in front of my house... and more commonly, wee birds in the winter wisteria...

And just before the month ended, I went on a day course at a local environmental centre, and look what I made!

It's a plant support for my sweet peas, made out of willow - very traditional Somerset, that. And I even cut some of the green willow for it myself (the top of the "skirt"). My plan was to use it this year, but apparently if we put them out this year they'll take root and grow... So now my plan is to try and find little cups to put over the feet... only it's like the Luggage, it's got lots of them, so maybe tin foil cups...! There were half a dozen of us in the group, and of course the last pic shows everyone's finished plant support - mine is the one in front on the floor, to the left.

And other than that, I've read Pros, and bits of books, and watched Our Flag Means Death, and Reservoir Dogs and Obi-Wan Kenobi - all of which were excellent. I've been getting ready for my new job of course (today I bought an ironing board - an ironing board! I haven't owned an ironing board since before I went to Alaska... and that was a long time ago now... *sighs for Alaska*

So how was your January? *g*

somerset, real life, 2023 in photos

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