Is it autumn yet?

Oct 30, 2022 10:23

The clocks went back last night, and I had my covid booster yesterday, so I'm feeling a bit dazed with the world so far today. Solution? Post to lj! *g* I actually went to bed early (for me - just before midnight), so it rather threw me to wake up at 5.45am-ish, having actually had nearly seven hours sleep (again, that's my normal - in fact pretty good for me!), but not feeling quite ready to get up yet, so I didn't... and when I did it was still before 7am!!

I had my jab around 2.30pm yesterday, and my arm didn't even start aching until not long before I went to bed - but then I couldn't sleep on my left side all night! *headdesk* I think the ache is fading now. I have a slight headache (barely counts as a headache, but there) and feel a bit drippy, but that could be me rather than the shot... *g* Well, it's probably the shot, but it's also Sunday, so I can roll with it. *g*

Here's the last day of the year when sunset was around 6pm...

It is looking a bit autumn-y in the village... *g* Yesterday was ridiculous though - when I finally got up (after working until about 4am *headdesk*) I'd missed half a day that was warm, with an amazing balmy breeze - my favourite kind of day! It's cooler today, but still not October-cold. Absolutely no need to put the heating on yet...

Some pics from the day before (the first one's for tinturtle - green fields *g*):

Okay, clearly those trees are doing the autumn thing...!

And finally - a very fun surprise when I finally sorted out how to hang the big mirror my last landlady gave me. It only had a hook to hang it vertically, and I wanted it horizontal, so I was peeling back the tape to see what the wood was like for attaching things to, and...

How cool is that?! I have a film-star mirror! I can't at all work out what the other bits of writing mean, but I'd like to think it was hints to the film it had been in. *g* That middle word that's a bit cut off just before "Sold" looks like "THARAT"...

And now I'm feeling a bit droopy as well as drippy, so I think I'm going to take a break from sitting upright!

How are you doing? *g*

moon, autumn, real life, 2022 in photos

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