Discovered on the first day of autumn!

Sep 23, 2022 15:50

Just as I was about to fall into a bit of a glump today, look what arrived in the post to cheer me up!

How fab is that? *vbg* And of course it makes a nice way for me to start putting my lj-posts where my mouth is, having challenged everyone to make as many Pros posts as they can this autumn. *g*

Thank you very much sender, and everyone else involved - what a lovely surprise! (This might seem like a late thank you, as I see it's post-marked the 8th August, and so apparently took over a month to get here - but it did finally get here! Also, hmmmn - looks like we might need to take slow post into account again for the Pros Fandomcards Christmas exchange...)

bistocon, pros, real life, dialj

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