Some pictures of April - 8th, 9th, 10th April

Apr 10, 2022 23:31

I got to the end of work on Friday and seem to have almost switched off my laptop for the weekend - well not quite, since I ended up doing foodsaving for both Saturday and Sunday, which requires sorting and checking and printing and things like that before actually doing it, but close enough that I didn't end up posting photos. So here's a catch-up. *g*

Friday 8th April
Friday was work, punctuated by a quick trip to a local nursery that's not usually open to visitors but was having an open day. I... might have bought a cherry tree (patio-sized), and an orange-scented geranium (okay, pelargoinium), and a strawberry plant, even though I already have some. And a wild garlic plant, even though I've already planted some seeds to see if they'll grow. This one is for my shady trough-planter, though. The one I ordered the Generous Gardener shade-tolerant scented climbing rose for... *g* So a work day and a gardening day.
(This is a pear blossom I think, a random pic from the nursery. *g*)

Saturday 9th April
Saturday was more trough-planter gardening. I sorted out all the earth-and-stones-and-turf that had been dumped in them for a basis, and then hied myself to another local nursery and bought many bags of compost to mix in... and I may have succumbed to some shade-loving plants/flowers for my rose trough too - some astilbes and a bleeding heart - and some columbines for my regular garden, because they were pretty, and some blue lithodora because it was my favourite blue...

Sunday 10th April
Today was a bit more interesting! I was bored with being at home by now, so I decided to fall for a local estate's locals discount for membership, and went over to see how it was all looking...

spring, 2022 in photos

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