Some pictures of April - 6th April

Apr 07, 2022 00:25

April - a month of clouds but also colour... *g*

Most of today revolved around collecting a bed. It was free, but crucially it was made of metal - the kind of metal that I hope climbing roses can entwine around, and will support higher supports for said climbing roses as they reach towards the roof. *g* That's the bedhead in the photo. The foot is similar but slightly shorter, and I'm thinking courgettes. *g* And the base is wire mesh that I thought might work well against the fence at the end of my garden to keep the moos off my gooseberry bush - but actually it doesn't seem to quite fit. I'm now thinking that it might go along the long side of the oil tank, and offer additional garden tool-hanging space, and/or hanging planter space... *g* Once it's painted a nice dark green with any paint left over from when I do my garden table and chairs. When it stops raining.

And that was the 6th of April... How has yours been?

spring, 2022 in photos, house

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