I'm already a bit behind and a bit challenged, but let's see if I can yet again try and post a bit more often to lj (because when I do it means I get to talk to lj-friends, and they hopefully talk to me back! *g*). It's not been the most auspicious start to the year, I have to say. I tried to call my mum to say happy new year, only she must have left her phone handset somewhere, because it kept coming up "unavailable". The forecast yesterday was mostly dry, so I decided I'd finally get my bathtub-pond cleared of the leaves that fell into it, work out how to seal the plug in non-toxically, and see if it would hold water. So it rained most of the day instead. Never mind, I thought, I'll write my
discoveredinalj story instead - only my computer file had utterly vanished, and I spent ages looking for it instead of actually writing it. Argh! Luckily I'd printed at least most of it out, so it's salvagable, but aaaaaaargh!
At least the sun showed itself a little bit, and by the evening there was even a promising slash of deep pink across the sunset...
Luckily, that glimpse of red sky at night managed some magic, and the second day of the year turned out much better! I got chores done, and even though it rained there was a chance to dodge the rain and clear away my storm-blown pallet box bits to somewhere they could dry, and clear out my bath-tub-pond and add some experimental will-it-still-be-there-tomorrow water, and even to make a re-start on my story for the 6th Jan...
I must admit that at this stage I can barely remember what happened last year at all... I remember mad exam marking, and a caravan in Wales, and my lovely car unexpectedly giving up the ghost and being replaced by blue car, and
Helenraven coming to visit, and then going to stay with her in London when I went to the Van Gogh Immersive Exhibition, and meeting a new Pros friend at a National Trust place for fab chats while the world and its weather just got on around us... *g* I'm sure there must have been more to it all than that, but...?! Well, apart from covid and all, obviously... There was food saving still - that's going strong. And Day Job 1, of course (but I'm not talking about that until I have to, on Tuesday...) Oh - ending up on the local history society committee, and being put in charge of the website and writing a booklet on the railway here! There was a wee bit of metal detecting, but not enough. Lots of reading. And my Christmas present to me was buying more bookcases to slot behind the sofa, so that now I live in a library. I like it. *g*
Have some pics from today.
There was quite a bit of rain amongst all that, but I didn't go outside for that. I did get caught in it twice when I was trying to sort garden stuff though!
All of which rather dull entry is a way of saying I'm going to try and post more this year. And to be less dull. *g* And to go somewhere, after two years of being good and mostly staying at home! That may help mitigate the dullness. *g*
How're you doing? Any nice plans for 2022?