I blame myself, I should never have said I was looking forward to a free weekend... having not been able to find foodsaving cover for Saturday, my Sunday volunteers also cancelled, so I spent half the day chasing around to find cover and still ended up having to do it myself... *headdesk* Everyone wants to help in a crisis when you're stuck at home otherwise, everyone wants to slip away when the sun comes out... *sighs* So no chance of escape very far for me after all. Or time to catch up on my emails etc., never mind the paper circuit library... *sighs more*
I've also been offered a chance to go away to the caravan in Wales again, and since it will be my only chance to go away this summer, the way things are looking, I want to take it. Trouble is, I won't be able to cover foodsaving if I do, and going by this week, the odds of finding other cover aren't high. *sighs more* So I either go away and the food gets wasted, or I don't go away. And for sanity's sake, the latter isn't really an option - I just can't cover every single weekend, plus days in the week myself, not on top of work (even if it is only Job 1 now...)
All in all - I'm taking some deep breaths before I start work, and I would like some smiling lads on my flist page, so I'm going to put some there.
Hope your Monday's looking better!