Tradies* grrr...

Feb 19, 2021 12:53

On the bright side, my heating's working again, but - grrrr!

1. Two young male plumbers (when only one was necessary), no masks, no gloves, no apparent awareness that there's a covid pandemic with ever-expanding new variants, and that they're visiting the house of someone who's more likely to be seriously ill with it than they probably are (older person, dodgy throat - and that's not even invisible, cos I've got a scar across to show the old surgery!) No apparent memory or giving-a-shit that I asked them last time they came whether they had masks.

2. They'd given instructions about turning the heaters and heating off and then on again via my landlord the other day, and I did that and it didn't work (the only effect of their instructions seemed to be to cool the the two that were working...) So this morning before they were due to come, I turned off the two affected radiators again in the hope that it might bump the other two up to be hotter again It didn't seem to work, but I didn't bother to turn them back on again since the plumbers were due. So the lads come, I say I'd tried their suggestion and nothing, and that I'd just turned them off this morning. "Oh, you shouldn't turn them off" says lad, and turns them back on again. And of course the bloody things started working again. Gaaargh!

Obviously I'm happy that they're working, but you could see lad thinking "well of course she couldn't work it out" and I hate that. Like taking the car to the garage with an odd persistent clanging, and then the clanging stops in apparent fear of the mechanics and nothing else, so that they think you're making it up... And would the plumbers explain what had probably happened? Would they bollocks, just "That's okay..." as they left...

So now I feel endangered and patronised!

I'd better get over that, hadn't I, so that I can get on with work and then post the first Pros Novel Read-Along post for Waiting to Fall! *g*

Have lads, for more cheerful viewing than my grumpy post. I saved these pics somewhere for their similarity, but right now I'm loving the differences... *g*

* nicked from Aussie slang, cos I quite often want a word for a collective of various-tradespersons-like-plumbers-and-carpenters-and-electricians-and-what-not, and there isn't really one over here. *g*

real life, headdesk, grrrr

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