Sunday 31st January 2021 - That was January...

Jan 31, 2021 23:51

It was supposed to be dry until mid-afternoon today, and I was going to get a walk in, but when I looked up around eleven it was raining... and then I realised it wasn't quite rain, it was sleet, so I figured I go for a wet theme for the day. So here are sleet and the leaves at the bottom of the "birdbath"!

Then I looked up again and it was properly snowing! Hurrah!

In the end it properly snowed for hours, although it didn't stick at all, and when it finally stopped about an hour before sunset there was a cold wind out there, so I just stayed cosy inside and finished off my lazy day. My lazy weekend! It feels like ages since I had a weekend at home because I wanted to rather than just because I was supposed to...

And here we are at the end of January too - well that just whizzed by, didn't it? And I have been very good and had an entirely at-home month (here in theoretically locked-down-land), except for that one foray out to try and find a fruit/veg market. The furthest I've gone otherwise has been the farm shop, which is three miles away, and the only other driving I've done was in the village for foodsaving... Why yes, I am slightly... not cabin-fever-y exactly... is village-fever-y a thing? I reckon it is now..!

Otherwise - I decided to do Dry January, just for the change of it. I'm a bit disappointed that I don't feel any of the amazing things that the app promised - I did wonder if headaches or indigestion might sometimes be because I'd had a drink the night before, and whether my fuzzy-head might clear up a bit, but no, not at all! I still had headaches, and I don't feel more energetic or inspired either - waah! Clearly can't blame anything on red wine! Which is perhaps good, really. *g*

I did some Pros writing, by dint of having a January date for Discovered in a Box of Baubles this year - yeay!

I read books... I went for walks, and took photos, and fed birds, and thought about my garden-space, and played Beat Saber for more exercise, and did foodsaving, and did some baking (cheese scones, weetabix biscuits, bread). I worked, of course. Did some family-treeing. Watched Death in Paradise from the first series. And The Voice UK is back on. Um... There was mist and rain and wind and gales and snow and sunshine and frost - winter in England!

Goodness knows when we'll get out of lockdown over here, though apparently the R-number is finally going down again, and people are being vaccinated, which will hopefully help (I do wish this stupid government had a wider view of the world, and would stop trying to bully its way through things as if it had never left the 19th century...)

Still - February next! Candlemas and Chinese New Year and Pancake Day and Valentines Day and snowdrops and the days getting longer. I feel like I need a February Project to keep me going, like I've been doing the daily photo posts... suggestions welcome!

2021 in photos, 2021 in months

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