Deer, deer, deer - another sunset walk

Nov 26, 2020 20:25

It's been a gorgeous day here, all cold but blue-skyed, so I decided to go for an extra sunset walk again. The sunset was hidden by a bank of cloud again, but I surprised three deer this time. The first one bounded away, but the other two followed more sedately. Eventually I realised that I was going down a hill as they were going up it - and wished I'd brought my proper camera again! Ah well - it was fun seeing them silhoutted against the sunset!

The moon was out too, a few days before full...

...and the dusk was crisp and clear!

I thought the sunset had gone - then looked over to find it reflected on entirely different clouds, and looking very promising for sailors and shepherds.

And tonight we really do hit freezing, apparently - although I suspect we did last night too.

How're you doing? *g*

2020 in photos

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