But then my interwebz refused to play just as I was about to post this last night, so now it's Frustrating Thursday. Which I know doesn't alliterate, but I can't think of a th word that fits right now, especially as I still have to finish work tonight. *sigh* So - have yesterday, which was far nicer!
It's a Wonderful Wednesday today, because I've taken the day off! I'm at the bit of the year where I've been proofreading for soooo long that my brain and eyes are starting to fry. I've had less work since this covid-19 thing started, but I'm also finding it harder to concentrate - and I wasn't finding it easy before that! So I'm building in some sanity days off, because I just have to. *g* And today I did happy-making things.
Checked Servant of Two Masters to see if I could hear
ali15son's whisper of "Oh sorry" from Bodie to Doyle - and I could! It's there! He says it! I so love that we're still finding new things in the eps 43 years later! *vbg* Have the lads in celebration!
I was metal detecting on my permission on Sunday (*sighs happily*) and I actually felt in control of my metal detector for the first time - yeay! I was able to set the settings and recognise when it was finding iron compared to other metals (not as easy as you'd think!) I dug some of the iron anyway, and was dead chuffed when I turned out to be right - Victorian iron nails, my obligatory horseshoe (probably Victorian again, I think) - and then three signals that didn't seem quite like iron! Okay, I'm getting off my Wednesday topic, aren't I?! *headdesk* Anyway - I found a lead splodge, an odd fragment of loopy metal with decoration on it - and my first coin! *g* Okay, it was only a 1905 Edward VII halfpenny - but I found a coin! *vbg*
And the whole reason I started talking about that was because someone said the odd little loopy thing might be a buckle fragment, and my book on buckles (shush, it's cool!) arrived today, and it does indeed turn out to be a bit of probably-eighteenth century buckle! Wheee! How it got into the middle of that field, far from any apparent houses, I don't know, because it must have been a relatively delicate buckle. Look - my bit of buckle, in the middle of a comparative picture for dating. *g*
(Not quite the same shape, but they had rectangular ones around the same time. *g*)
I also bought a mixer - the kind that you make cakes and things with. *g* I always want to call them Mixmasters, cos that's what my mum had. Still miss that one, it was perfect! *g* Anyway, someone local was selling it, and I suddenly realised that I could perhaps make space in that corner, and she was kind enough to let me try it out before I actually bought it, and it worked beautifully. It's a shame I took the cake out far too early and the fact that it was a peach cake with peaches in meant that I couldn't skewer test it, and that it fell apart, partly-uncooked, and had to be put back in on a roasting tray to sort itself out. *headdesk* So no pretty picture as I was planning - but it did still taste good. Although it needed a pinch of salt! Mum's cakes always had a pinch of salt, and this was why! *g*
And then I made pesto for dinner, and I love homemade pesto, and I was lazy and re-watched some Detectorists. *vbg* And - rather oddly, considering I'm reading the Aubrey/Maturin books set in the early 1800s (hey - that's when my buckle might be from! *vbg*), I thought about my WWII Pros fic, which is still sitting in my WIP folder...
What else? Turns out you get sunburned in completely different places when you're metal detecting, so even though I used suncream, I missed half the places the sun caught me. Ouch! Oh - the cows are out of the field that's only just over the fence! Which is actually a bit frustrating, cos I spotted that when it was too late to detect on Wednesday, was trying to work this morning and couldn't, when the weather was still nice enough to detect - and now it's forecast rain all weekend! Although I have taken two days off next week... *g*
Erm... and I wrote a Prosfic! Just a wee little one, but it was fun and makes me want to write again... Oh, but there's too many things to do!
How're you doing this week? *g*