Easter Weekend - far too much time spent in front of my computer trying to sort out food saving, but happy-making that it's getting going with the volunteers. Very happy making to be able to wear dresses and Crocs - wheeee! and the lovely blue sky, too. *g*
There is a gloriously blossomed tree in the churchyard, and it came out for this weekend - and look what I spotted on it! Adopted paganism! It's a wishing tree this year! Full-circle back to where Christianity adopted existing traditions and celebrations!
I can never resist golden sunshine on a wall, either... *g*
More time in front of the computer on Sunday, but to stave off madness I took my detector into the garden, finally notched down the iron on it, and did an hour's detecting. And I found a spoon handle! That's not iron! *g* I also found a wee shoe buckle that wasn't iron too. Neither thing properly old and wonderful, but old enough and wonderful enough for me right now. And not made of iron! *g*
Shame the weather's on the turn now, and it's getting colder again, and perhaps damper... Mind you, I've been sent a day's work for Tuesday anyway, which doesn't exactly make me happy, but is something of a relief. Cross fingers for Wednesday now, I guess!
I had to walk past the churchyard at twilight, and couldn't resist the ribbons and blossom again...
Hope you've had a happy Easter weekend!