I have finished Job 2, and I don't have a Job 1 deadline for today (not that I couldn't always be doing some), and I have so much life admin and dusting that needs doing that I think I'm taking an extra day off! Well, not off, cos life admin and cleaning and sorting this place out so that I can start to think about getting festive properly, but... no staring at the screen today unless I want to, to talk to you guys! *g*
It's also warmer outside today than it is inside my house... :s
...and I started posting this in the morning, and now it's late afternoon. Hey-ho - so my life goes...
Here's some pics from yesterday, when my plan was to go and work in the nice warm library (which turned out to be closed for training... *headdesk*) Slightly different atmosphere to the pics I posted of this place a few days ago!
I did manage to go out for a run. Well, a shuffle. *g* And look what I saw... *g*
A wee covey of partridge, happily pecking away - until they saw me stop with my camera, if course, when they began a dignified but somewhat hurried bustle away... *g*
I'm off to watch Killjoys (and a party political broadcast...) at a mate's tonight - but I finally finally have a whole entire weekend to be a weekend! And maybe catch up on that dusting and cleaning and sorting that mostly eluded me today... A weekend! *g* There can be joining in with the Reading Room, and catching up on the ProsFic advent calendar, and on Discovered in the Yuletide Spirit. Maybe there can even be some Yuletide spirit. *g*
Hope yours is fab too!