10-14th October - a month of autumn to Halloween

Oct 15, 2019 12:47

Oh dear, it all went wrong from last Thursday, didn't it... On the bright side, I was posting to lj, just... not my autumn posts. Let's see if I can catch up!

Poetry for October
"Youth is like spring, an over-praised season more remarkable for biting winds than genial breezes. Autumn is the mellower season, and what we lose in flowers we more than gain in fruits."
- Samuel Butler The Way of All Flesh

Pictures for October
I've been taking the photos for the posts, just not actually posting them...

Prosfic for October
I seem to have several Prosfics still on the go, and then of course there was last week's Reading Room - Uriah by loyseofverlaine, and then I slipped into a few others of hers, Hostages to Fortune, which I thoroughly enjoyed, and Gone with the Pixies as recced by saggitas, which was interesting and clever and I also enjoyed reading. And I'm sure there were some others... *g*

...and the Lads!
Here they are, running to catch up...

autumn, pros pics, pros fic recs-reviews, pros

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